MS 3683 comprises correspondence, 1972-1988; financial records, 1978-1989; Women's Electoral Lobby (WEL) national conference records, 1973-1982; records relating to WEL involvement in other conferences such as the National Women's Tax Summit, National Agenda for Women Conference and the United Nations Decade for Women; records relating to WEL activities such as lobbying federal parliamentarians, the production of the WEL national bulletin, submissions and press releases; and, subject files on a wide range of WEL interests including childcare, affirmative action, equal employment opportunity, the Family Law Act, maternity leave, wages and the Sex Discrimination Act. The collection also includes a small quantity of records of the Women's Electoral Lobby (ACT) and the Women's Centre Inc. (63 boxes).
(103 ms boxes + 45 archives boxes + 2 small folio boxes + 5 medium folio boxes + 5 large folio boxes + 30 map folios + 1 ms carton + 1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 7073 comprises manuscripts, research notes, typescript drafts, galley proofs, draft notes and correspondence concerning writing and publication of Summers' book Damned whores and God's police, and her autobiography Ducks on the pond. Correspondents include Henry Mayer, Melanie Beresford, Ann Curthoys and staff of Penguin Books. The collection includes a cuttings book containing press cuttings about Summers and Damned whores and God's police; files of research notes; cuttings; and, correspondence on a wide range of topics including women and poverty, single parents, family, Caroline Chisholm, child care, Aboriginal Australians, rape reform proposals, suicide, women unionists, education, prostitution, racism, Womens' Electoral Lobby, Adela Pankhurst Walsh, women and the media. The collection also includes material relating to the journal Refractory girl and the publication of Her story: Australian women in print 1788-1975. There are papers and material relating to Gamble for power; papers relating to the "free Sandra Willson" campaign and Ms and Sassy magazines; transcripts and video tapes relating to the ABC TV program "Anne Summers in conversation with six Aussie men" (1994); and, various papers relating to women's issues (66 boxes, 7 fol. boxes).The Acc07.177 instalment includes a wide range of correspondence; files on various publishers and projects; and, material relating to The end of equality, Ms and Sassy magazines, Good weekend and Greenpeace International (19 boxes).
The collection comprises papers of the late Mrs Patricia St Leon (nee Burke), who was one of the nine original flight attendants employed by Qantas Empire Airways in 1947 and includes photographs, correspondence, documents and published material relating to both her personal life and career with Qantas.