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Papers of Andrew Reeves, 1857-1999

9.78 metres (57 boxes, 10 folio packets, 4 cartons)
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Papers collected by Andrew Reeves, primarily relating to the trade union movement, the Australian Labor Party, the Communist Party of Australia and left wing political issues. There are also papers relating to student political activities on the University of Melbourne, Monash and La Trobe University campuses; the anti-Vietnam War movement; the Socialist Party of Australia; the League of Nations International Labour Conference; the Association of Architects, Surveyors, Engineers and Draughtsmen of Australia and the co-operative movement. Papers of Phillip Bain collected by Andrew Reeves are also contained in the papers.
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Papers of King O'Malley, 1888-1955

3.65 metres (23 boxes)
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The O'Malley papers are in two main groups. There are administrative papers concerning business dealt with the Department of Home Affairs during the years 1910-1913 and 1915-1916 when O'Malley was Minister. There are also some other papers of government business of an earlier date - such as old age pensions - which were dealt with by O'Malley. This material is found in Series 1.

Papers of Maie Casey, 1831-1987

5.32 metres (38 boxes, 1 folio item)
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The collection comprises correspondence, diaries, notebooks, speeches, drafts, articles, poetry, subject files, Ellis Rowan source material, art work, photographs and other papers relating to Maie Casey's interests in art and family history, her books An Australian story (1962), Melba revisited (1975) and Rare encounters (1980), her involvement in the International Sculpture Competition (1953) and her role as the wife of the Governor of Bengal and Governor-General of Australia. There are also some papers of John Cotton, Theodotus John Sumner, Sir Charles Ryan and Ellis Rowan.
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Papers of Robin Wallace-Crabbe, 1947-1992

2.24 metres (16 boxes, 3 folio items)
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The papers comprise letters, correspondence of Robin and Virginia Wallace-Crabbe, drawings, photographs, sketchbooks,notes, drafts and other papers relating to Robin Wallace-Crabbe's artistic and literary career. The drafts include nine published novels and various unpublished novels, articles, short stories and other writings. Also includes papers of Kenneth Wallace-Crabbe relating to his experiences in Burma during World War II and drawings by Wally Driscoll.
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Papers of Howard Francis Dawson, 1961-1981

1.68 metres (12 boxes)
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The collection contains correspondence and other papers relating to Dawson's work as Federal Secretary and Federal President of the United Nations Association of Australia, and as an office holder of the Australian National Committee for the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF. Formed from the restructuring of the League of Nations Union, the Australian Association for the United Nations (now UNAA) and the Australian National Committee for the UN (ANCUN) were amalgamated in 1950. The Australian National Committee for UNICEF (ANCU) under the sponsorship of UNAA was formed in 1963. The papers record the activities of these two organizations.
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Records of the Bryant and May Archives (as filmed by the AJCP), 1879-1977

356 items
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Bryant and May Ltd records, including directors minute-books 1884-1937 and income tax files.
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Collections held by the Royal Army Medical Corps (as filmed by the AJCP), 1863-1987

125 items
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Papers 1915-1917 of Lieut. Col. M. Dunning relating to campaigns in Dardanelles and Middle East.
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Papers of Charles Edward Lane Poole, 1905-1970

0.64 metres (4 boxes, folio items)
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The collection includes correspondence, diaries, notes, articles, photographs and slides, published material and press cuttings. Much of the material relates to Lane Poole's work in Papua and New Guinea between 1922 and 1925. There are also papers on his work in Sierra Leone and Western Australia and as a consulting forester after 1945. Correspondents include Lord and Lady Novar, M. R. Jacobs, G. Rodgers, H. C. King, Professor J. D. Ovington, Jack Lever, Sir Russell Grimwade, Lane Poole's wife and children, Major J. McAdam, timber merchants, the C.S.I.R.O., Commonwealth New Guinea Timbers Ltd., Bulolo Gold Dredging Ltd., Mallison Sons Ltd., and the Department of Forests, New Guinea. The collection does not contain any papers relating to Lane Poole's work as Commonwealth Inspector-General of Forests, nor as Principal of the Australian Forestry School, Canberra.
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Papers of Sir Maurice Yonge (as filmed by the AJCP), 23 November 1926-30 September 1986

112 items
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Diaries, notebooks, research notes, correspondence, drafts and other papers relating to the Great Barrier Reef expedition and Yonge's extensive travels and research on corals and molluscs. Some of the diaries were kept by his wife Martha, who accompanied him on the Great Barrier Reef expedition.
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