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Records of the Privy Council (as filmed by the AJCP), 1784-1844

67 items
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Records of the Privy Council and Privy Council Office. Selected items were filmed by the Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) from PC1: Miscellaneous unbound papers and PC2: Registers of the Privy Council.
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Records of the Exchequer and Audit Department (as filmed by the AJCP), 1765-1918

880 items
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Records of the Auditors of the Imprest, Commissioners of Audit, Exchequer and Audit Department, National Audit Office and related bodies.
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Papers of Julius Stone, 1929-2001

60.6 metres (343 boxes + 2 folio boxes + 5 map folios + 1 piece)
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In 1975 the National Library purchased from Professor Julius Stone of Sydney his large collection of correspondence, research papers, lectures, radio scripts, drafts and galley proofs article photographs and press cuttings.

Papers of Frank Hardy, 1931-1988

(242 ms boxes + 1 small folio box + 9 medium folio boxes + 1 large folio box + 1 elephant folio)
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MS 4887 comprises correspondence, notes, drafts and research material relating to Hardy's published works; diaries; notebooks; press cuttings; tape recordings; photographs; cartoons and sketches by Hardy, Ambrose Dyson, Bruce Petty, Counihan and Vane; autobiographical notes; radio and television scripts; papers connected with political and literary organizations; material relating to the Power without glory trial; biographical and critical material on Henry Lawson, Russian poet Evgenii Yevtushenko, and writings by others.There is correspondence with publishers and fellow writers in Australia and overseas, 1946-1973; and letters from Martin Boyd, Eric Lambert, the Palmers, Neville Shute, Jack Lindsay, Howard Fast, Owen Webster, family, friends and Communist Party comrades. Photographs include Hardy in Russia, Europe, the United States and Australia, historical material of revolutionary Russia and postwar Poland (242 boxes, 11 fol. boxes, 1 elephant folio).
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Papers of Roger Smalley, 1956-2016

(21 ms boxes + 4 small folio boxes + 15 medium folio boxes + 10 large folio boxes + 1 map folio + 1 folder)
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MS Acc07.101 comprises scrapbooks chronologically covering Roger Smalley's musical career over the period 1956-1996. The scrapbooks were assembled by Smalley's father, John Smalley, and consist of news clippings, concert programmes, and related ephemera. There are also a small number of loose concert programmes from the early 1980s, mostly for the BBC Promenade Concerts (2 boxes).

Papers of Johann Kruse, 1870-1972

4.65 metres (3 MS Boxes + 8 cartons + 4 medium Folio-Boxes)
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Published and handwritten music collected by Johann Kruse during his student years and professional life as a solo violinist, chamber music player, conductor and teacher. It includes violin technical studies, sonatas, concertos and other performance pieces with piano or orchestral accompaniment,piano works and vocal works. Some violin and piano pieces have been annotated with bow and/or fingering marks. A majority of the pieces are inscribed with Kruse's name and title, and a few have been signed by composers.
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Papers of Lorraine Hepburn, 1983-1994

(11 MS boxes)
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The collection comprises a copy of Hepburn's thesis, 'Ova-dose: Australian women and the new reproductive technology' (1988) and notations leading to the published book of the same name by Allen and Unwin in 1992. It contains Hepburn's comprehensive collection of research for the topic in the form of newspaper cuttings, scientific, medical and popular periodical articles, book chapters, government papers and print-outs from Hansard.

Colonial Office: Malay Straits (as filmed by the AJCP), 1871-1898

189 items
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Extracts relating to the protected Malay States (Native States) from the Public Record Office classes CO 273, CO 537 and CO 809. These are confidential and open dispatches from the Governor of the Straits Settlements to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, together with enclosures, Colonial Office minutes, and draft replies from the Colonial Office to the Governor 1874-1896. In addition, there is correspondence between the Colonial Office and other government departments (e.g. War Office, Admiralty). Mainly one volume of miscellaneous correspondence for each year, chiefly from individuals or non-official organisations.
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Papers of Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington, 1st Earl of Carrington (as filmed by the AJCP), 1860-1928

265 items
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Material filmed by the Australian Joint Copying Project includes: Four volumes of speeches and notes by Lord Carrington 1879-1905; Notes and copies of correspondence with King Edward VII and Lord Rosebery; Correspondence of Lord and Lady Carrington with their family, especially their son Rupert; with other State Governors, namely Sir Robert Hamilton, Lord Hopetoun, Lord Kintore, Sir Henry Loch, Sir Anthony Musgrave, Sir William Robinson, Sir Hercules Robinson and Sir Henry Norman; and Governors of New Zealand Sir William Jervois and Lord Onslow, and with various individuals including Sir George Dibbs, Lord Knutsford, Edward Stanhope, Lord Normanby, Sir Henry Parkes, Sir Alfred Stephen, Lord Carnarvon, Sir Edmund Barton, James Bryce, Sir Arthur Ellis, General Arthur Fremantle, Lord Aberdeen, Lord Hamilton, Lord Lansdowne, Cardinal Manning, Lord Selborne and Lord Jersey; Memoirs of Lord Carrington; Cuttings and printed articles about the Mount Rennie Rape Case 1886; Speeches by Sir Henry Parkes; Diaries of Lord Carrington 1888-93 and Lady Carrington 1881-1913.
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