Acland Papers 1841-92 including letters of W. Acland written from the Australian Naval Station 1883-85 and correspondence with the entomologist Rev. William Cotton 1841-46.
The collection comprises papers of the late Mrs Patricia St Leon (nee Burke), who was one of the nine original flight attendants employed by Qantas Empire Airways in 1947 and includes photographs, correspondence, documents and published material relating to both her personal life and career with Qantas.
The papers in MS 9152 include correspondence (mostly with G.A. Bishop), research material, notes, cuttings, ephemera, printed material and other papers relating to the Federal Pacifist Council, conscientious objectors, War Resisters International, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Pacifist Movement of Victoria, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Peace Pledge Union, Religious Society of Friends, International Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Peacemaker and other pacifist and peace movements.
Correspondence 1858-1945 Subjects include: New Zealand lizards; mud fish from Hokitika, New Zealand; lizards and butterflies from New Hebrides; sponges from the Philippines; butterflies and insects from New Guinea; appointment of taxidermist for Public Library, Museum and National Gallery of Victoria; and sale of Gilbert Raynor's collection of Australian lepidoptera.
This finding aid lists programs and ephemera which document 1936-1940 Australasian tours of the Ballets Russes, primarily based on material in the National Library of Australia's Performing Arts Programs and Ephemera (PROMPT) collection.
The collection comprises reports and files accumulated by Bryant Allen and his colleagues Gaye Thompson and Doug Porter while researching their book Development in practice: paved with good intentions (Routledge, 1991) on Australia's role in the Magarini Settlement Project in Kenya. The papers include data on rainfall, research notes, articles, Joint Review Mission papers, correspondence, interview transcripts, drafts, illustrations and chapter outlines. Interviewees include Bob McCown, Paul McGowan, Henry Nix, Coral Bell, Kevin Stephens, Helen Hughes, Doug Campbell, Anthony Vale and Bill Hayden. There are also unpublished reports and official reviews and documents which were used as source material for the book.
Papers of Bishop W. Poynter, Rev. R. Gradwell, Bishop J.Y. Bramston, Bishop T. Griffiths, Cardinal N.P.S. Wiseman, Cardinal H.A. Vaughan and Cardinal F. Bourne. They deal with: establishment of the New Holland Mission by Rev. J. Flynn 1818-19; selection of priests for the Mission; relations with political authorities; appointment of J.B. Polding as Vicar-Apostolic in 1834; creation of dioceses; emigration; missions in Pacific; and visit of Archbishop D. Mannix to England 1920. Correspondents include J. Flynn, P. Connolly, J.J. Therry, J.B. Polding, J.B. Pompallier and J.M.B. Serra.