'Paddy - the Sydney Street Poet' by Anderson, clean printout for Labour History, 15pp. 2cc Box 3 Unit ID: 1
Panton, Acknowledgements, 1p, nd (2 more copies with amendments [Panton is an edited and annotated version of Joseph Anderson Panton's memoirs in the La Trobe Library Box 12 Unit ID: 7
Panton, Appendices (proof of 10pp Evidence to Commission of Enquiry plus photocopy of original proceedings) and draft footnotes; plus incomplete proof, nd; drafts of footnotes Box 12 Unit ID: 6
Panton, Illustrations: list of illustration, prints of illustration and copies of maps Box 12 Unit ID: 8
Panton, Proof of Chs 1-12, 145pp, 15 April 2003, minor annotations, mostly re the illustrations; also proof of pp1-115 (no illustrations) and list of illustrations for Chs 6-12 Box 12 Unit ID: 9
Panton, Proof of Chs 6-12, pp57-148 (with illustrations), 14 January 2003, minor annotations and corrections Box 12 Unit ID: 10