Registered Plan ½ acre site where "Shingle Hut" stood on the "Old Selection". Purchased by Mr. Eric Davis, From present owner Unit ID: 47(b)
Residual matter re biography "DAD" by Steele Rudds Son - Eric Drayton Davis . publication expected February 1975 by Lansdowne Press Melbourne Unit ID: 21
Richard "Dick" Davis and his Wife Agnes. Taken about 1890. Richard was an elder brother of "Steele Rudd" and Agnes was a sister of "Tean" Steele Rudd's wife. A case of two brothers married two sisters Unit ID: 48-73
Scene from "On Our Selection "play with "Joe's Kangaroo". Bert Bailey playing the part of "Dad". Bert Bertram (still living in U.S.A. the sole surviving member of the original 1912 cast) played the character role of "Joe" Unit ID: 48-52
Scene from "On Our Selection"-talkie taken on location while filming in 1932. Bert Bailey, famous in the character role of "Dad" on the extreme right Unit ID: 48-39