Western Australian College of Advanced Education: correspondence, 1976-88 Box 61 Unit ID: 11_2 Date: 1976-88
Whitlam Revisited Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, April 1992: correspondence and copy of Coombs' paper 'Willowra' Box 58 Unit ID: 8_1
'Whitlam: the predecessors': background papers and newspapers clippings relating to Gough Whitlam Box 56 Unit ID: (v)0_6
Workshop on Industry and Environmental Law, University of Adelaide, May 1984 Box 56 Unit ID: 5_3 Date: May 1984
Workshop on the Sir John Crawford volume: correspondence, April 1985 Box 56 Unit ID: 6_1_1 Date: April 1985
World Wide Fund (WWF) for Nature: international launch, November 1990 Box 57 Unit ID: 7_5 Date: November 1990
'Wuyal: the land, the song, the dance, and the history of the ancestor', a primary Galtha Rom workshop, Yirrkala Community School Literature Production Centre, 1991 Box 69 Unit ID: 16b_11 Date: 1991
Yipirinya School Council submission on the establishment of teaching programmes in town camps, Alice Springs, October 1978 Box 70 Unit ID: 16b_34 Date: October 1978