1 x booklet, 'Progress of a people', Minister for Territories, 10 April 1961 (opening of Legislative Council for Papua and New Guinea), 32 pages excl. cover (stapled)
1 x booklet 'The Territory of Papua and New Guinea', August 1959, Minister for Territories, 4 pages excl. cover (stapled)
1 x collection of handwritten notes from Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement 5th Annual Conference, 20 April 1962 Date: 20 April 1962
1 x Commonwealth of Australia, 'Referendums to be held on Saturday, 27th May, 1967...The Arguments for and against the proposed alterations...', 6 April 1967, 16 pages
1 x 'Current Affairs Bulletin: The Dark People', Vol. 29 No. 4 25 December 1961, 14 page paper booklet (stapled)
1x 'Current Affairs Bulletin: The Dark People', Vol. 29 No. 4 25 December 1961, 14 page paper booklet (stapled)
1 x Department of Aboriginal Affairs, Explanation of Aboriginal Affairs Act and Policy of the Department', 10 pages excl. cover (stapled), no date
1 x Department of Territories, 'The Territory of Papua New Guinea', 8 panel foldout page, 1963 Date: 1963