1 x Dr Colin Tatz, 'Aborigines: Equality or Inequality', Reprint from The Australian Quarterly, March 1966, 20 page paper booklet (stapled)
1 x Fay Gale, 'Patterns of Post-European Aboriginal Migration in South Australia', reprinted from Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch, Vol.67, 1966, 16 pages excl. cover (stapled)
1 x F.J. Schonell et. al., School Attainments and Home Backgrounds of Aboriginal Children, University of Queensland, Vol 1. No. 3 1960, 44 pages excl. cover (stapled)
1 x handwritten card from Government House Adelaide to Dr C.J.E. Kempster, 22 June 1964, includes envelope
1 x handwritten card to John Kempster from D.R. Waldbaum (Harvard), 9 September 1965, square cut out of corner