Biography: 24 page typed biography with handwritten 'Author's note' but no author's name Box 4 Unit ID: 20
Blue folder of photographs, mix of political and personal. 8 loose sheets of photographs - 3 X 'Atom bomb city Hiroshima', 1 x Vietnam protest, 4 x personal/family Folio 7
Books: 'Burr (1974); 'Truth or repose, (1966) inscribed by the author; 'Federal Labor leaders (1961); 'The Long march (1956); 'The Fiddler of the gorge (1951); 'Cricket in crisis' (1948) inscribed to Les Haylen from Jack Fingleton; Cover 'Delegation to China 1957'; Briefing notes for the 1963 delegation to Asia Box 4
Books by Haylen: Bound typed '20 years hard Labor parts 1-2, 2 copies of part 1'; 'Brown boy singing' 'Two minutes silence' 'A for Artemis' inscribed by the author; 2 copies of 'Blood on the wattle' the game Durrells' Arry's 'orse' in 'The tracks we travel' 1965, 1933-1965 Box 5 Date: 1933/1965
Drafts. Handwritten pages 16-23. 3 typed poems: 'Grassby', 'Jim Cope', 'The Crisis'. Typed 'Kitty Rasmussen's kid'. Handwritten 'Anatomy of a smear campaign. Legal documents re "Two minutes silence"; 'My Christmas card'; Poem - 'Canberra peace march'; Other handwritten miscellaneous pages and letters (some incomplete) related to Haylen as an author Box 1 Unit ID: 5
Drafts: Mainly poetry, some very rough, some handwritten, some typed. Handwritten article(?) titled 'The saga of Fletcher Cooke' Box 3 Unit ID: 15
Elections: Pamphlets, news cuttings, candidates, 1963 results from Parks, declaration speech 1961, etc Box 3 Unit ID: 13
Envelope cover labelled: Important for researches. Correspondence, receipt, pictures, army records etc Box 1 Unit ID: 1