Provision and Administration of Libraries. Lecture Notes for Preliminary Students 1956 [Notebook containing outline of lectures on, for example, the use of books and libraries, types of libraries] Box 3 Unit ID: 8
R5 - Special Libraries 1956 [Notebook with outline of lectures on, e.g., the education of special librarians. Most of the notebook is empty.] Box 3 Unit ID: 9
Ramsay, Margery [Folder containing text of Jean Whyte's speech and poem in honour of Margery Ramsay on her retirement in August 1983; copy of letter from Margery Ramsay to President of Library Council of Victoria, 1985] Box 2 Unit ID: 11
References - Personal [Folder containing references for Jean Whyte; correspondence about possible employment with South Australian Public Service and her educational attainment and fellowship at University of Chicago, 1942-1959. The folder contains seven unrelated letters to Jean Whyte dating from 1960-1974.] Box 1 Unit ID: 3
Registration Courses - General Lectures 1956 [Notebook containing outline of lectures on, for example, library literature, planning, administration, types of libraries] Box 3 Unit ID: 6
Registration (Qualifying) Lectures Cataloguing and Classification, June 1955 [Notebook] Box 1 Unit ID: 7
Report of 1975 trip round the schools and libraries Europe, UK, USA, 1975 Cassette-Box 420 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV008136 Date: 1975
Roll and Records 1982 [Exercise Book used to record attendance Graduate School of Librarianship, Monash University] Box 6 Unit ID: 6