[Springback folder containing notes and papers assembled by Jean Whyte in connection with her attendance at the Advanced Library Seminar at the Commonwealth National Library, 13-21. 12.1958] Box 1 Unit ID: 4
Subject files: Federal support, Ethics ,Standards, Fabinyi, Fischer, Government documents, Victorian Branch, Bray and SA Lib Board and addresses, ALIA Awards, General [mainly letters to and from libraries about AIL records held], F L S Bell - addresses, Background [JPW pencil notes on background to AIL history], Munn Pitt Box 4
subject folders: Dewey, SA Branch (AIL), Sowden - report on American visit, Archer (Ellinor - notes for JPW's ADB entry on), Australian Library Association - notes for JPW paper, Preliminaries - Indexing [notes on sources, miscellaneous jottings], General - SLSA, General - State Library of Victoria, School Libraries etc, Research funding etc [Bryan ack re ALIAS entry on Scott, photocopied extract from Scott letter re UK/USA trip], Purnell, Historical records [dup typescript of paper by Binns], NLA MSS 1980, General - SLNSW, General - Queensland records, General - Melbourne University, Central mystery - notes and draft for JPW paper, Photographs, Odd bits of MSS, Chronology, Library Association of Victoria, Miller, E. Morris, Background, 20s +, Battye, Lectures etc, Ifould Box 7
Subject folders: Free Library Movement, Foxcroft, Sydney Univ, Special Libraries, University librarians' conferences, Wood (Malvina - of UWA), WA Branch, Women, Union Catalogues, History Forum - notes for paper by JPW, AIL History - drafts, Green-Scott Correspondence, Green-Scott-Cowan Correspondence Lobbying, AIL - Revision 1994 [outline of JPW's rethinking of how she would structure the history], AIL - Foundation, Pennington, Microfilming, Inter-Library Loans, SA State Lib, JPW Book [outline of chapters for a book on freedom of information in Australia], Publications committee (AIL, LAA) Box 6
Subject folders: National Research Council, AIL - First Annual Meeting [photocopies of draft notes and correspondence], Committee on Standards and Training, Lib Bd of WA, Australian Library Association - JPW paper and notes, Government publications, AIL Council - pencil notes by JPW, New Zealand, AIL - draft chapters of history, Education - Syllabus; Binns, Lib Assoc History - printouts of draft chapters and of related articles by JPW Box 5
Sydney University Library [Croxley Notebook containing notes about poetry and Shakespeare, 1961] Box 4 Unit ID: 3
The Forts of Folly: Matthew Arnold and the Philistines 1951 [Folder with handwritten essays about Spenser, Burns, Donne and Arnold, 1947-1951] Box 6 Unit ID: 4