Obituary items and Julius Stone Garden, Montefiore Home (NSW), 1985-1987 Box 342 Unit ID: 11 Date: 1985/1987
Of law and nations; between power politics and human hopes. Buffalo, W.S.Hein, 1974 Box 70-132 Unit ID: 145 Date: 1974
Of sociological inquiries concerning international law. In D.C. Constante-opoulos, C.T. Eustathiades and C.H. Fragistas eds. Grundprobleme des internationalen Rechts; festschrift fur Jean Spiropoulos. Bonn, Schimmalbusch, 1957. pp. 411-23 Box 70-132 Unit ID: 55
Of the equality of nations doctrine and international justice. In M. Blegaad et al. eds. Festkrift til professor, dr. jnr. phil. Alf Ross, 10 Juni 1969. KØbenhavn, Juristforbundets Forlag, 1969. pp.471-92 Box 70-132 Unit ID: 121
On the liberation of appellate judges - how not to do it! Modern Law Review. v.35 (September 1972) pp. 449-77, (1972 Wilfred Fullagar Lecture) Box 70-132 Unit ID: 141