Quaker document: "Search for peace in the Middle East" Prepublication critique and commentary by Stone, and Professor Milton Konvitz of Cornell University, together with their correspondence (1970-1971). Box 169-173 Unit ID: 24
Quest for survival; the role of law and foreign policy. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1961 Box 70-132 Unit ID: 71 Date: 1961
Quest for survival; the role of law and foreign policy. Sydney, Maitland Publications, 1961 Box 70-132 Unit ID: 70 Date: 1961
Range of crimes for a feasible international jurisdiction. In J. Stone and R.X.Woetzel eds. Towards a feasible international Criminal Court. Geneva, World Peace through Law Center, 1970. pp.315-41. Box 70-132 Unit ID: 128
Ratio of the ratio decidendi. Modern Law Review. v.22 (November 1959) pp.597-620 Box 70-132 Unit ID: 64
Readings on Sociology of International Law: Typescript of parts of an unpublished work "Law as an instrument of Social Control". Box 327
Realistic compliance goals. Proceedings of American Society of International Law. v.58 (1964) pp. 24-31 Box 70-132 Unit ID: 93
'Reason' and the time-dimension of knowledge. Archives fur Rechts - und Sozialphilosophie, v. 48 (1962) pp. 95-100 Box 70-132 Unit ID: 79