Victoria Synod: Correspondence - Rev. Max Griffiths (i), 1977-1979 Box 379 - Synods Unit ID: 8 Date: 1977/1979
Visitors' book of the A.I.M. Office team in Melbourne. Historic signatures of various A.I.M. personalities, 1933-1959 Box 440 Unit ID: 4 Date: 1933/1959
Visits by General Secretary - A.B.C. Television air trips, Special Meetings Adelaide and Melbourne, various Field centres, Canberra (Prime Minister, several Ministers and Government Officials), 1980 Box 428 Unit ID: 3 Date: 1980
Visits by General Secretary to various Field cenres, Seminars, Govenment Officers, Capital cities and Patrol areas, 1977-1982 Box 428 Unit ID: 2 Date: 1977/1982