Willaumez Peninsula from Wangare Bay S to Reibeck Bay and the Kula River Carton 24 Unit ID: AC2_PNGWNBBOL2
William Davis the Wexford pikemaker: Irish political exile and patriot of 1798: donor of the site of St. Patrick's Church in 1840. B. T. Dowd Box 115 (MS 6265) Unit ID: 438
William Derrincourt: Interlude 2 - Elegy for Vc Pf. Rough Score. [Also contains Ideas for a pot-pourri on themes from W.D], 1977-1979, 1984 Box 10 (MS Acc08.043) Date: 1977-1979, 1984
William Derrincourt opera: original manuscript score revised, 1979? Box 14 (MS Acc10.073) Date: 1979?
William Derrincourt-Roger Smalley., 3/09/1977 Shelf-Tall OH2-9-014 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV011029 Date: 3/09/1977