'William Hodges and Plein air painting', talk first given at the Sandby Colloquium, Hamilton Art Gallery, October 1981 and later published in Art History, Vol 6 No 2 June 1983 Unit ID: 5
'William Hodges', paper probably given to the History Department Seminar, University of Melbourne, 1953 Unit ID: 14 Date: 1953
'William Westall's drawings and paintings on Flinders Voyage', published in Westall's Drawings ( ed.D. Simpson), 1962 Unit ID: 29 Date: 1962
Willian Irwin Thompson "The Evolution of Consciousness Space" Lindisfarne lecture given at the Cathedral of St Johnthe Divine, New York City 1 item Cassette-Box 270 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV005318 Physical Description: 1 item