480: Mabo - celebrating 20 years since the Mabo High Court Decision in 1992' documentary, 2012 Digital-Carriers-Box 91 Unit ID: NLA.MS-DM004466 Date: 2012
4 envelopes + 1 packet (several drafts of The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics: The Core Contributions of the Pioneers, and related correspondence.) Box 13 (MS Acc10.158)
4Tape 4 Niggins, Meti, Pena (Side A & part of Side B) Wai (about 1/4 of Side B) Bob (+ Return A)1> Nigins (full tape) Tape 42> Meti, Pena, Wai - Kelewere Village (3/4 tape) Tapes 1, 2 and 3 unknown and not found Cassette-Box 137 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV002359 Physical Description: Tapes 1, 2 and 3 unknown and not found
500 years of utopias: commemorating the 500th Anniversary of Thomas More's Utopia, 5-9 July 2016 Box 19 (MS 10650) Unit ID: 198 Date: 5-9 July 2016
50 yrs a K (50 years a Keynesian) & other essays - Karen Hall 2005, 2005 Box 7 (MS Acc11.019) Date: 2005