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Papers of Geoffrey Bolton, 1931-2015

(70 ms boxes + 1 card box)
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The collection documents Geoffrey Bolton's professional life as an historian, academic and author. They include correspondence, reviews, notes, projects, lectures, speeches, conference papers, drafts of writings, cuttings, photographs and other printed material. Subjects include Bolton's association with The Oxford History of Australia, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Biographical Dictionary of the Australian Senate, Constitutional Centenary Foundation and the Australian Bicentennial History Project; papers relating to publications include 'A fine country to starve in', 'Being whitefella', 'Richard Daintree: a photographic memoir', 'Spoils and Spoilers: Australians make their environment 1788-1980', 'A Thousand miles away : a history of north Queensland to 1920', 'Dick Boyer, an Australian humanist', 'Paul Hasluck : a life' and 'Edmund Barton'.
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Papers of Charles and John Ulm, 1803-2015

2.97 metres (8 boxes + 2 folio boxes + 1 folio packet + 3 folders + 1 packet)
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MS 9923 comprises papers collected by Charles Ulm as well as those collected by his son, John. The papers comprise newspaper cuttings, stamps, commemorative envelopes, correspondence, brochures, research notes, articles, reviews, certificates, talks, handwritten notes, photocopies of government records, business papers, photographs, maps and ephemera. The largest series in the collection is the commemorative and philatelic material, comprising stamps, commemorative envelopes, tribute albums, newspaper cuttings, articles and reviews relating to the 50th anniversary of the first trans-Pacific flight. The 1928 flight saw Charles Ulm fly with Charles Kingsford-Smith on the Southern Cross from Oakland, California to Brisbane, Australia (8 boxes, 1 fol. box).

Papers of the Hughes and Knight Gregson families, 1865-1962

(3 large folio boxes + 4 map folios + 13 folders + 2 volumes) + 2 PDF documents
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The collection comprises original letters from Charlotte Louise Knight Gregson (nee Hughes) to her family of Middleton Hall, Northumberland, England after she emigrated to Australia in 1876 aged 26. Included are sketches, water colours, shipping documents, school reports and photographs. The letters detail her farming life in Harden, with comments on colonial life including the shearers' strike, suffragettes, 1890s banking crashes and bushfires. There is also mention of men going off to World War I, railway-building, the establishment of Canberra as the capital, and a relative who was part of Mawson's expedititon. Also included are letters from Frank Hughes (Charlotte Louise's brother) to his family, photographs of George Charles Knight Gregson and Frank Hughes, and a death notice and obituary of Stanly Hughes (Frank Hughes's son).

Papers of Hazel Rowley

(28 boxes + 1 folder + 5 digital carriers)
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This collection comprises papers pertaining to Rowley's biographies: 'Christina Stead: A Biography (1994)', 'Richard Wright: The Life and Times (2001),' 'Tête-à-tête: The Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre' (2005), 'Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage' (2010). They include Rowley's correspondence with her subjects and those who knew them. In the first consignment the major correspondents are Edith Anderson, Leda and Stanley Burnshaw, Gwen Walker-Smith, Florence James, Jessie and Ettore Rella, Ruth Hall, David Stead, Ron Geering, Clifton Fadiman, Kate Llwellyn, Mary Bransten, Nadine Mendelson, Elizabeth Harrower, Gai Steel, Michael Bott, Margaret Harris, Michael Gold, Edith Anderson, Anne and Harry Bloom, Gilbert Stead, Fred Warburg, Oliver Stallybrass, Leah and Philip Harvey, and Aida Kotlarsky.In the second consignment of note is an original letter from Simone de Beauvoir, and original letters of Christina Stead. Other correspondents include Clem Christesen, Harper Lee, Simone de Beauvoir, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, William Vanden Heuvel, Constance Webb, Richard Wright, Barbara Baer, Oliver Stallybrass and Toril Moi, There are photographs, research files, transcripts and notes of interviews, manuscripts and papers for other work on topics such as 'The Hollywood Ten' and a copy of Rowley's thesis 'The Female Experience in the Autobiographies of Simone de Beauvoir and Violette Leduc'. Journals, diaries, notes and log books provide further insight into Rowley's research work conducted in Australia and overseas.
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McArthur-Macpherson Family Papers, 1844-2009

9.8 metres (14 large folio boxes)
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The papers are made up of a combination of documents, business records, correspondence, photographs and printed ephemera from and about the properties of Diana Baillieu's ancestors in Western Victoria; clippings, family history research material (some originals and many photocopies), printed ephemera, and correspondence among members of Diana Baillieu's generation. Interspersed among the papers are documents, correspondence, printed ephemera relating to Waltzing Matilda and specifically Christina Macpherson's role in introducing A.B.Paterson to the tune for the song.
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Papers of Patrick O'Farrell, 1880-1999

(227 boxes + 1 folio box + 1 map folio)
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Correspondence, notes, articles and book reviews, statistical data, photographs, miscellaneous journal issues, and newspaper cuttings. The literary papers include research notes, manuscripts and annotated typescript drafts of many of O'Farrell's publications.
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Papers of Barbara Thiering, 1967-2011

(20 ms boxes, 30 digital carriers)
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This collection comprises the working papers of feminist theologian Barbara Thiering and includes manuscripts and background research for her articles and publications on the New Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls along with newspaper clippings, reviews and photographs.
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12 Apostles Digital-Carriers-Box 66


Papers of Patricia Clarke, 1887-2015

(76 ms boxes + 1 carton + 9 digital carriers)
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The collection comprises correspondence, drafts and research material relating to Clarke's books The governesses: letters from the colonies 1862-1882; A colonial woman? the life and times of Mary Braidwood Mowle, 1827-1857; Pen portraits, women writers an journalists in nineteenth century Australia; Pioneer writer: the life of Louisa Atkinson; Tasma: the life of Jessie Couvreur; Life Lines: Women's letters and diaries, 1788-1840 (Patricia Clarke and Dale Spender) and Rosa! Rosa! A life of Rosa Praed, novelist and spiritualist.. The collection also comprises material relating to Clarke's role as editor of Judith Wright's autobiography, Half a lifetime, published in 1999, including material from Judith Wright, correspondence, notes, drafts and reviews; research material on proposed writing on wartime censorship; research material for the chapter on Government House in Gables, ghosts and governors-general: the historic house at Yarralumla, Canberra; correspondence, notes, drafts and reviews relating to Clarke's role as co-editor, with Meredith McKinney, of The equal heart and mind: letters between Judith Wright and Jack McKinney (2004) and With love and fury: selected letters of Judith Wright (2006); papers relating to Steps to Federation (2001), which Clarke edited; Australian dictionary of biography research material, correspondence and drafts; and other papers relating to Clarke's PhD. thesis, articles and talks; correspondence, minutes and other records documenting Clarke's roles in the Independent Scholars Association of Australia, the Canberra and District Historical Society and other organisations, between ca. 1950-2010, and papers relating to her Medal of the Order of Australia.
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Papers of Michael Alexander Smith

(40 ms boxes + 4 small folio boxes + 1 medium folio box + 1 map folio)
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Cultural sensitivity advisory notice: Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other First Nations people are advised that this collection may contain names and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive. Please also be aware that you may see certain words or descriptions within these works which reflect the author's attitude, or that of the period in which the works were created, and may now be considered inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive. Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP): This material contains Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) of Australian First Nations peoples. Restrictions on access and use of this material may apply. Contact the National Library of Australia for further information.

Records of the Australian Lebanese Historical Society, 1890-2015

5.7 metres (29 MS Boxes;1 Large Folio Box;1 Medium Folio Box;1 Small Folio Box)
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The collection consists of papers relating to the history of the Lebanese in Australia and includes family files, photographic archive, Australian Lebanese Historical Society projects and events, administrative records including Annual General Meetings, Oral History Transcripts, objects and ephemera.