1 plastic box of 5 zippers with notes attached made for Fletcher Jones (endless) and Concealed covered first cast also 11 strips of fabric various sorts and lengths. Tapes and zippers (selection) from WE Cuckson Son P/L Box 3 Unit ID: 9
1 spiral bound copy of W.E Cuckson Son Pty Ltd Catalogue + letter from The Australian Bicentennial Authority re historical records[1989] Box 1
1st copy of York's M.A. Thesis "Sources of student unrest in Australia with particular reference to La Trobe University", (1983) Folio-Box Shared Date: (1983)
1. Synopsis of new novel. 2. Draft 13 new novel unauthorized Feb 02. Bk 1 & B2. Feb- Mar 2002, February 2002 - March 2002 Digital-Carriers-Box 110 Unit ID: NLA.MS-DM005442 Date: February 2002 - March 2002