1982 Season, 1982 2 leaflets Box [unnumbered] Unit ID: 1982/3 Date: 1982 Physical Description: 2 leaflets
1982, Second Legislature of the State of Truk, First Regular Session. An Act to provide for the submission of an annual budget ....; Ts., p/c, 3pp. Not microfilmed, 1982 Box 13 Date: 1982
1982: Social Justice Project Mini-Conference on Health Policy and Health Equity, ANU Box 29 Unit ID: 10
1982, The Laws of the Republic of Kiribati (containing the Constitution and the Acts, Ordinances and Subsidiary Legislation) 1981 revision (inserts). Not microfilmed., 1982 Box 9 Date: 1982
1982, 'Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea'; Ts., 194pp. Not microfilmed., 1982 Box 17 Date: 1982