Two bourrees, composer Henry Purcell editor and adapter Henry Moffat (London: Augener Ltd.), 1918 Box 944-992 (MUS Brady) Unit ID: 967a Date: 1918
Two boxes containing 122 original photographic lantern slides, on glass, of Rossel Island natives, landscapes, etc Box 7a, Box 7b (Non-Standard MS Box)
Two boxes of cards with Robert Menzies signature, [n.d.] Folio-Box 30 Unit ID: [unnumbered] Date: [n.d.]
Two boxes of colour photographs of covers of boy's adventure taken by Ron Maria c 1980s Box 16c (MS Acc09.199)
Two boxes of disks entitled Gaubin hospital 40 years of maternal records. Contains eighty-eight disks Box 27, 28 Unit ID: 2_3