Two envelopes of papers returned to Bert Speer by Peter Cahill, rejected additions to the PNGAA archives holdings at the Fryer Library, University of Queensland, selected documents retained, as follows: Box 1 (MS Acc14.091)
Two envelopes posted on 1.10.1908, the first day of Ocean Penny Postage in America, one from Buffalo addressed to "The Father of Penny Postage London, Eng." , the other addressed to "The Hon. J.H.H. at the House of Commons" containing a congratulatory letter., 1908 Date: 1908
Two Envelopes With - Letters To And From Tom Griffiths; Letters, Notes, Brochures Re Visit To Menzies Centre For Ecology And Empire Conference, London 1996. Envelope 1 In Box 8. Envelope 2 In Box 4. Box 4 and 8
Two essays - On the creation of the novel Red shoes and Dear writer revisited, 1998-2022 Box 7 (MS Acc22.151) Unit ID: 93 Date: 1998/2022
Two eucalypts framing pastoral farmland, New South Wales?, Australia, approximately 1935 Drawer PIC Drawer PM 109 #PIC/19967/71 Unit ID: PIC Drawer PM 109 #PIC/19967/71
Two eucalypts silhouetted against rugged hills, New South Wales?, Australia, approximately 1935, 1 Drawer PIC Drawer PM 138 #PIC/19967/100 Unit ID: PIC Drawer PM 138 #PIC/19967/100
Two eucalypts silhouetted against rugged hills, New South Wales?, Australia, approximately 1935, 2 Drawer PIC Drawer PM 139 #PIC/19967/101 Unit ID: PIC Drawer PM 139 #PIC/19967/101
Two European boys, and two European style buildings in the background, Rabaul, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, c.1925 Album 869/8 Unit ID: P783/1532 Date: c.1925
Two European men, sitting under an awning, aboard Louden's Port Moresby launch, Bootless Inlet, Papua New Guinea, c.1922 Album 869/4 Unit ID: P783/712 Date: c.1922
Two European men, standing beside four large European style sheds on a beach, Lindenhafen Plantation, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, c.1925 Album 869/7 Unit ID: P783/1343 Date: c.1925