1982, 'Adoption of amended rules of evidence for the Marshall Islands courts'; Ts., p/c, 3pp., 1982 Box 12 Date: 1982
1982 and 1983 Liberal Party Federal Councils; State Young Liberal President, 1982; Federal Young Liberal President, 1983; 1985 Federal Council - N.S.W. Liberal Party delegate to Federal Council (3 folders) Box 1420
1982 Annual Session West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church, Sermon by Dr. Alan Walker 1 item Cassette-Box 122 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV001775 Physical Description: 1 item
1982 Annual Session West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church, Sermon by Dr. Alan Walker: The word for the world now 1 item Cassette-Box 124 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV002049 Physical Description: 1 item