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- !Cu-cut!1
- !Kung (African people)4
- !Kung (African people) -- Biography1
- !Kung (African people) -- Languages -- Texts1
- !Kung (African people) -- Medicine1
- !Kung (African people) -- Population1
- !Kung (African people) -- Social life and customs1
- !Xo language1
- "...this book is being written, in an Australian context, to provide details of eternal life..." -- page 71
- "291" (Gallery) -- Exhibitions1
- "291" (Gallery) -- Influence1
- "A"Coy Association -- Periodicals1
- "All Saints" Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of Belmore and District -- History1
- "Antic is an online literary magazine featuring the works of new, emerging and established Australian writers, as well as a smattering of international ones. We promote the writers we publish and strive to bring their words and their ideas to greater audiences. Some of the pieces we publish will be accompanied by commentary that offers a deeper exploration of that work in terms of its craft and technique. This could include a critical introduction to the work and its author, one of our editors interviewing a contributor about their writing practice or a writer examining an author, book or piece of writing that has influenced them in some way. The Antic team is interested in edgy, diverse writing that pushes boundaries and promotes conversation. Antic was founded in Melbourne, Australia, by Sabita Naheswaran and Julian Novitz."--About us1
- "Australian"1
- "Bimbimbie" Retirement Village, Merimbula, New South Wales1
- "Centerbeam"1
- "Effective Reading Programs Elementary Secondary Education Act Title I Right to Read1
- "Fram" Expedition7