Guide to the Correspondence of Walter Hartwell James, 1897-1913


Collection context


Collection number:
MS 296
Sir Walter Hartwell James
0.03 metres and (1 volume)
Preferred citation:
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Correspondence of Walter Hartwell James, National Library of Australia, MS 296, [box number and series and/or file number]'.
Access conditions:
Available for reference. Not for loan.


Content Summary:
A collection of letters relating broadly to Federation, addressed to Sir Walter James, together with one addressed to Cyril James, from the following: Edmund Barton (2); Henry Briggs (1); Alfred Deakin (19); Sir John Forrest (4); John Hannah Gordon (1); Sir John Waters Kirwan (1); Sir Richard Edward O'Connor (1); Sir George Foster Pearce (1); Sir Cornthwaite Hector Rason (1); Bernhard Ringrose Wise (2). The letters cover the period 8 March, 1897-29 May, 1913. Photostat copies. The originals are held by the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.
Biographical Note:

Politician, Member of Legislative Assembly of Western Australia, 1894-1904, Premier and Attorney-General, 1902-4. In 1897-98, he was one of the delegates to the Federal Convention. Foundation member of Senate of University of W.A.; Chancellor, 1930-36.

Indexed terms

Sir Walter Hartwell James

Access and use

Conditions Governing Access:
Access conditions may apply to this collection, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Conditions Governing Use:
Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.
Preferred citation:
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Correspondence of Walter Hartwell James, National Library of Australia, MS 296, [box number and series and/or file number]'.
Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia