Guide to the Papers of Daniela Torsh, c. 1967-2021


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Collection number:
MS 9147 et al
Torsh, Daniela, Ms (1946 -)
(19 ms boxes + 1 carton + 7 folio boxes +1 phase box + 3 map folios + 7 audiovisual carriers + 3 digital carriers)
English and English
Preferred citation:
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Daniela Torsh, National Library of Australia, [class/series/file/item number(s)]'.
Access conditions:
Part available for research; part not available for research. Not for loan.


Content Summary:

MS 9147 comprises: 1. Cuttings files, 1970-1975, relating to the education of women and other women's issues. 2. Files relating to the Enquiry into social change and the education of women containing cuttings, correspondence, interviews, drafts, reports, speeches, minutes, notes, legislation and other papers, 1974-1975. 3. Other files, 1970-1982, on women and film and other topics. 4. Various journals, reports and publications such as Scarlet woman, Womanspeak, Sydney Women's Liberation newsletter, Women in the ABC: report of Task force on equal opportunity for women, July 1977, Sexism in education, and, the Women and Labor Conference newsletter (9 boxes, 1 carton, 2 folio boxes).

MS Acc11.141 comprises conference papers, newspaper cuttings, realia, sound tapes, correspondence, journals and newsletters (including Refractory Girl) and documentary treatments amongst other material. Papers deal with the political and social activities and profile of Daniela Torsh (3 ms boxes, 1 folder, 1 medium folio box, 1 map folio, 4 audiovisual carriers).

MS Acc13.011 comprises papers covering a wide range of Torsh's research and career, including PhD research material; public relations and working documents for the Archives forum; notes and articles relating to Hungarian film director Istvan Szabo; correspondence; copies of various published articles and journals, by Torsh and others; research notes for articles; notes and drafts relating to the publication Refractory girl; notes and reports relating to various Australian film organisations and events; ephemeral relating to women's rights (3 ms boxes + 1 map folio + 1 digital carrier + 2 audiovisual carriers).

MS Acc14.127 comprises papers relating to women in education, sexism in schools and women's issues. It consists of papers, clippings, minutes, reports, magazines and transcripts of interviews with primary school aged children for a report on 'Girls, School and Society'. Additionally, there is a paste up of 'A Women's Education Catalogue', and correspondence relating to the appointment of Elizabeth Reid as Prime Minister Whitlam's Womens Adviser (4 ms boxes + 2 folio boxes + 1 phase box + 1 map folio + 2 digital carriers + 1 audiovisual carrier).

MS Acc24.028 comprises a material relating to the National Union of Australian University Students (NUAUS) Archive Project 2017-2020, Torsh was involved with (1 folder).

MS Acc24.063 comprises a green crew t-shirt for Newsfront (1978) worn by Daniela Torsch when working as a film school attachment on the film directed by Phil Noyce. (1 folio box).

MS Acc24.087 comprises four badges from: the filming of Newsfront and Heatwave (directed by Phil Noyce), WEL (the Women's Electoral Lobby) and ZOOT a children's magazine. (1 folio box)

Biographical / Historical:

Daniela Torsch is a feminist author, educator, public servant, journalist and filmaker. She is also known as Dany Humphries (as journalist for the Australian) and Daniela Antoinette Torsh. Daniela Antoinette Torsh attended the University of Sydney graduating with a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) degree. She was active in women's issues at university where she was elected to the Women's Union on the platform of a combined male and female union. She worked as a journalist with The Australian and developed her interest in education. As an independent filmmaker in the 1970s, she produced "St Theresa", a discussion film about women in prison. Torsh became prominent in women's education policy and acted as consultant for the Commonwealth Schools Commission. Subsequently she was executive officer with the Steering Committee for the Enquiry into social change and the education of women. Torsh compiled A bibliography of social change and the education of women (with Robyn Dryen and Martha Kay, 1974), and was editor of Good morning boys and girls: a women's education catalogue (1976).

Collection Retrieval Advice:

Please note: each class in this collection has a separate box number sequence (i.e. there are multiple Box 1's). Please cite the relevant Class number as well as the Box number when requesting retrieval of material from the collection.

Reading Room Access Note:

For preservation reasons, we are unable to deliver digital and audiovisual carriers to the Special Collections Reading Room. Please contact (Ask a Librarian) to enquire about access.

Access and use

Conditions Governing Access:
Access conditions may apply to this collection, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Conditions Governing Use:
Conditions for copying and publishing of this collection may apply, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Preferred citation:
Items from this collection should be cited as '[Title or description of manuscript item], Papers of Daniela Torsh, National Library of Australia, [class/series/file/item number(s)]'.
Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia