Manila folder labelled 'Condé-sur-Noireau'

Box 3 (MS Acc22.020)
Component identifier:
File 49
Content Summary:
This folder contains photocopies of newspaper articles regarding Jules-Sébastien-César Dumont d'Urville and his hometown, Condé-sur-Noireau in Calvados, Normandy; The text of an email in French dated 11 July 2013 from Philippe Cyprien, Service Documentation et Archives, Médiathèque municipal de Condé-sur-Noireau, to Edward Duyker, covering note for the copies of the above newspaper articles; Post card, no date, from Philippe Cyprien [Service Documentation et Archives, Médiathèque municipal de Condé-sur-Noireau] accompanying an unspecified 'petit document'* found in a 'vide-grenier' [= French equivalent of a garage sale] in the region. The card is a reproduction of a drawing by Garydd Baker, published by the L'Association Les Amis de Pontécoulant' and is of Condé-sur-Noireau imagined in the nineteenth century with the Église de Saint-Sauveur and the Place Dumont d'Urville (and the explorer's statue) in the foreground; Photocopied extracts from: Cautru, C., L'Histoire de Condé-sur-Noireau, Imprimerie-Librairie Ch. Corlet, Condé-sur-Noireau, 1965; Nadin, M., Histoire de Condé-sur-Noireau: Jardins ouverts—Jardins secrets: des origines à l'an 2000, tome i, Éditions Ch. Corlet, Condé-sur-Noireau, 1998; Huet, L., L'histoire de Condé sur Noireau: ses seigneurs, son industrie, F. Le Blanc-Hardel, Caen, 1883; l'Annuaire du Calvados photocopied from the J. P. Lafontaine collection on Condé-sur-Noireau held in the the Archives départementales du Calvados, Caen
Immediate source of acquisition:
This collection was acquired from Edward Duyker in multiple instalments from 1996 to 2022.

Access and use

Parent Restrictions:
Access conditions may apply to this collection, please refer to the collection's catalogue record for further information (
Parent Terms of Access:
Copying and publishing of unpublished manuscript material is subject to copyright restrictions. For such material, written permission to publish must be obtained from the copyright holder(s). Copying of unpublished material for research purposes is permissible 50 years after the death of the creator of the material.
Location of this collection:
Parkes Place
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia