Original typescript, with agreed editorial changes written in; marked up for typesetter Box 10 (MS 9000) Unit ID: 60
Papers from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Writers' Workshop at Brambruk Cultural Centre and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Women Writers' Conference, 1992-1993 Box 3 (MS Acc04.225) Unit ID: 15 Date: 1992/1993
Papers of Nadia Wheatley, 1946-2017 Unit ID: MS 9000, MS Acc04.225, MS Acc05.061.MS Acc08.193, MS Acc17.152 Repository: National Library of Australia Date: 1946/2017 Creator: Wheatley, Nadia Physical Description: (37 ms boxes + 8 archives boxes + 4 large folio boxes + 6 medium folio boxes + 1 map folio)