About the Southern Cross, photographic reproduction of an article created approximately 1930, 1 Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/183 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
About the Southern Cross, photographic reproduction of an article created approximately 1930, 2 Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/184 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Across the Pacific, Australia?, reproduction of a newspaper article created approximately 1928 Folder 2 Unit ID: PIC/8575/62 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Aeroplane landing in a field near the Southern Cross, Australia?, approximately 1928 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/50 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Aeroplane parked in a field, Australia?, approximately 1930? Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/192 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
AGH Fokker, Australia?, approximately 1930 Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/207 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Air ace, great Australian dead, photographic reproduction of newspaper article from the Sun created approximately 1966 Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/165 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
America salutes written by Jack Lewis, photographic reproduction created approximately 1940? Folder 3 Unit ID: PIC/8575/202 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
APC van parked below a wing of the Southern Cross, Australia?, approximately 1928? Folder 2 Unit ID: PIC/8575/135 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993
Arrival of the Southern Cross, Australia?, approximately 1928 Folder 1 Unit ID: PIC/8575/15 Creator: Byrne, Austin Edward, 1902 -1993