10 files, 19757-8, including: National Aboriginal and Islander Liberation Movement; Papua New Guinea border ; Advancement Party (North Qld); Mrs Lena Murgha Box 20 Unit ID: [unnumbered]
[10 files] correspondence with publishers, agents, the general public, institutions, production houses, newspapers and journals, 1992-1994 Box 52 Date: 1992/1994
10 files, none annotated on outside. Numbered 22, 23, 24A, 24B, 25A, 25B, 26, 27, 28, 29 Box 2 (MS 1923)
(?)/10 From Civic Hill, C. June-July 1961 Folder 5 (P1026) Unit ID: P1026/1478 Date: C. June-July 1961