150th Anniversary of the incorporation of Sydney as a city, Sydney Town Hall, 20th February Date: 20th February
150th anniversary souvenir of the first Presbyterian service held in Parramatta on Thursday, the nineteenth of June, 1823, by the Rev. John Dunmore Lang, M.A., D.D., 1923 Item MC N 2225 JAFP HIST 1087 Unit ID: 1087 Date: 1923
15/100 - MI To the right of 14 red Hill and Mountain Tidbinbilla Macquarie Hostel Jewish Synagogue from Russell Hill, 15 September 1974 Folder 6 (P1026) Unit ID: P1026/1863 Date: 15 September 1974
15/102 - Sculptures - stones covered sheet metal, 7 March 1975 Folder 2 (P1026) Unit ID: P1026/669 Date: 7 March 1975
15/107 - As 9/107, upstream Molonglo flood, 18 October 1976 Folder 1 (P1026) Unit ID: P1026/310 Date: 18 October 1976