winter dreams / steptext / two-part invention, [1991] 1 flyer Box [Unnumbered] Unit ID: 1991/3 Date: [1991] Physical Description: 1 flyer
Wintergarden Action Committee: campaign for the preservation of the Wintergarden and Capitol Theatres, Sydney, 1985 Box 50 (MS 9335) Unit ID: 10 Date: 1985
Winter Garden, Eastbourne (UK); S.A. Gorlinsky presents Margot Fonteyn with Robert Helpmann, 26 June 1950-27 June 1950 Date: 1950-06-26/1950-06-27
Winter Garden, New York; The Plays of Shakespeare - (Macbeth), 10 December 1956-13 December 1956 Date: 1956-12-10/1956-12-13
Winter Garden, New York; The Plays of Shakespeare – (Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet), 23 October 1956-12 January 1957 Date: 1956-10-23/1957-01-12