Woman reading pro-democracy posters in dust storm, 1989-04-15 Printout: 25.5cm x 19.5cm Album 1336/31 (PIC/21023) Unit ID: PIC/21023/1805 Date: 1989-04-15 Physical Description: Printout: 25.5cm x 19.5cm
"Woman receives naturalization certificate", 1961-02-01 Printout: 30.5cm x 21cm Album 1337/7 (PIC/21024) Unit ID: PIC/21024/362 Date: 1961-02-01 Physical Description: Printout: 30.5cm x 21cm
Woman's Angle on Australia, Australian Department of Immigration, January 1967 Box 39 Date: January 1967
Woman's Consciousness, Man's World, Sheila Rowbotham (Penguin Books), 1973 Volume ASWC 145 Date: 1973
"Woman's" Correspondence Course of Cookery: First Lesson: Caloric Values, Kitchen Equipment, Emergency Cupboard, Matron E. Wendell de Merrall ([Australia]: [Woman's Cookery School]) , n.d. Box JHCC 869-941 Unit ID: JHCC 903 Date: n.d.