1801: Side A: Carlo Corsario, Syd, 15/09/2004. Side B: Carlo Corsario, Gold Coast, 16/09/2004 1 item Cassette-Box 478, Object NLA.MS-SAV009250 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV009250 Physical Description: 1 item
1803-1876 : the passing of the Tasmanian race. The Halford oration, 1933 / W.E.L.H. Box 4 Unit ID: 30
1804: Side A: Lt-Gov. Sir Charles Hotham. Side B: Em. Prof. Ernst Strasser 1 item Cassette-Box 479, Object NLA.MS-SAV009251 Unit ID: NLA.MS-SAV009251 Physical Description: 1 item
1805 St Clair Villa Goulburn Publication, n.d. Folio-Box Folio-Box 5 (MS Acc19.157) Unit ID: 34a Date: n.d.