15. Looking SE along foothills behind Lepsius Pt. 2,200 ft. Map 2, 04 May 1943-15 October 1943 Box 1, Folder 7 Unit ID: 496 Date: 1943-05-04/1943-10-15
15 March 1979 Divisional Union Secretary to Neville Wran re Senior Citizens' Week, 1979 Box 13 Date: 1979
15 May 1886 Lease. Staunton to Lavis and Stubbs for five years of 200 acres in Shannon Harbor Estate lately occupied by Martin Keating for £150 p.a. paid in advance - due 1 May and 1 November. Lessee has grazing rights for a horse and a cow and can keep fowls. Endorsed with transfer memoranda.
15 May 1900 Agreement by F. Stanton to pay off debt of £4 to John Buckley in four monthly instalments
15 Men and 2 women sent to Australia, good accounts of those sent last year, 1850-01-29 Unit ID: ff. 6,7,8 Date: 1850-01-29
15. Micro cassettes, field recordings mostly in the Victorian high country for the book Huts in the Victorian Alps, 1995-2002 Date: 1995/2002