Working art: a get together to talk about Trade Union Arts activities and what we can do in Canberra, Saturday 17th May 10 am to 4 pm Canberra School of Art, [1970] Piece POSTERS FC 340, POSTER 2023-4559 Date: [1970]
'Working at The National Times', lecture given to Henry Mayer's course, The Politics of Information, Sydney University, 13 October 1981 Unit ID: 15
Working Committee; Organising Committee: Records (chiefly minutes of meetings), correspondence, other material, 1982-85, colour photograph of display booth for WFUMB '85 (taken at WFUMB '82?),brochures, business cards of participants and copy of 'Program' Box 23 Unit ID: 1-3
Working copy and notes: notebooks, loose notes and typescript draft with some amendments. Unit ID: 18