World Academy of Art and Science. The academy was established in 1960 to fulfill a need to which attention was drawn at the International Conference on Science and Human Welfare in October 1956. Stone was elected a Fellow of the Academy in 1965 and this file consists of his correspondence with other members, between 1963 and 1970. Box 169-173 Unit ID: 29
World Acclaimed Wines of Australia / Wyndham Estate Wines, n.d. 1 leaflet Box [unnumbered] Unit ID: 19XX/79 Date: n.d. Physical Description: 1 leaflet
World Aeronautical Chart, (1099) Melville Island, Australia-Indonesia, Scale 1:1,000,000, 1951 Folder New Guinea, New Caledonia, Pacific Ocean and Indonesia 1 Unit ID: 305 Date: 1951