Woodland Sketches Composed for the Piano Forte No. 2, Music Murmurings in the Trees, composer William Vincent Wallace (William Hall & Son), n.d. Music-Box 630 (MS 10757) Unit ID: 64 Date: n.d.
Woodland sketches Wald Idyllen op. 51, composer Edward Macdowell (London: Elkin & Co. Ltd.), 1896 Volume Hince 1 1566 Unit ID: 1566 Date: 1896
Woodlands Station, Ararat, Victoria, circa 1880s / Louis Lange Album PIC Album 1333 Unit ID: PIC/21039/73
Woodlark Island to Trobriand Islands including Egum Atoll, Papua New Guinea, north east coast, 2007 Date: 2007
Woodlark Island to Trobriand Islands including Egum Atoll, Papua New Guinea, north east coast, 2019 Date: 2019