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Papers of Michael McKernan, 1963-2009

0.66 metres (2 ms boxes, 2 index boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises weekly letters of Michael McKernan to his parents and brothers, whilst a Jesuit Novice and Scholastic that cover daily life and thoughts. The collection also includes index cards relating to McKernan's research on the Church and WWI as well as 26 cassette tapes of interviews with Jugiong locals used for Michael McKernan's publication "The valley : a story from the heart of the land".
2 results

Papers of the Thomson family, 1797-2017

3.85 metres (15 boxes, 1 phase box, 1 folder, 1 large folio box, 2 single map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 8600 includes the following files: 1. Correspondence, 1838-1992: with family and friends. 2. Photocopies of various official documents, such as wills. 3. Family photographs, c. 1844. 4. Maps, c. 1883. 5. "The Thomson story" by David Thomson, parts 1 and 2 (1 vol.). 6. "The Thomson story : childhood memories 1924-1941" by David Thomson (1999).The MS Acc06.135 addition includes two volumes by David Thomson - 'The Thomson Story : Part III - The Thomson Family in Gippsland from 1843' and 'The Thomson Story : Part IV - The Thomson Family From 1864'. The MS Acc22.001 addition comprises papers relating to David Scott Thomson's political career as the National Country Party (later the National Party) member for the House of Representatives seat of Leichhardt, Queensland, Minister for Science and Environment and Minister for Science and Technology in the Fraser Government and includes: speeches; writings; correspondence with Doug Anthony; documents relating to overseas delegations; photographs; transcriptions of oral history recordings; and post political career directorships. The collection also comprises papers collected by David Scott Thomson during his research into Thomson family history and includes: records relating to the Thomson family in Australia, Gippsland, Scotland and Ireland; David Scott Thomson's training at the Royal Military College, Duntroon; and correspondence of Judy Thomson (wife of David Scott Thomson) with her family members.
3 results

Papers of Charles and John Ulm, 1803-2015

2.97 metres (8 boxes + 2 folio boxes + 1 folio packet + 3 folders + 1 packet)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9923 comprises papers collected by Charles Ulm as well as those collected by his son, John. The papers comprise newspaper cuttings, stamps, commemorative envelopes, correspondence, brochures, research notes, articles, reviews, certificates, talks, handwritten notes, photocopies of government records, business papers, photographs, maps and ephemera. The largest series in the collection is the commemorative and philatelic material, comprising stamps, commemorative envelopes, tribute albums, newspaper cuttings, articles and reviews relating to the 50th anniversary of the first trans-Pacific flight. The 1928 flight saw Charles Ulm fly with Charles Kingsford-Smith on the Southern Cross from Oakland, California to Brisbane, Australia (8 boxes, 1 fol. box).
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Papers of Daniela Torsh, c. 1967-2021

(19 ms boxes + 1 carton + 7 folio boxes +1 phase box + 3 map folios + 7 audiovisual carriers + 3 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 9147 comprises: 1. Cuttings files, 1970-1975, relating to the education of women and other women's issues. 2. Files relating to the Enquiry into social change and the education of women containing cuttings, correspondence, interviews, drafts, reports, speeches, minutes, notes, legislation and other papers, 1974-1975. 3. Other files, 1970-1982, on women and film and other topics. 4. Various journals, reports and publications such as Scarlet woman, Womanspeak, Sydney Women's Liberation newsletter, Women in the ABC: report of Task force on equal opportunity for women, July 1977, Sexism in education, and, the Women and Labor Conference newsletter (9 boxes, 1 carton, 2 folio boxes).
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Consignment received 2014, 1960-2004 (4 ms boxes + 2 folio boxes + 1 phase box + 1 map folio + 2 digital carriers + 1 audio/visual carriers)


Papers of Paul Collins, 1939-2021

(58 boxes + 1 large folio box + 16 audiovisual carriers + 6 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS Acc05.197 comprises general correspondence, ca. 1983-2004; correspondence relating to leaving the priesthood, ca. 1997-2001; material and correspondence relating to the ABC, ca. 1988-1993; newspaper cuttings, ca. 1980-2001; appointment diaries for 1992 and 1995; typescripts of broadcasts, ca. 1989-1990; articles for books, ca. 2001; and, brochures for conferences, ca. 1999.
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Papers of the Cuckson Family, c.1947-2014

(3 boxes + 1 folio box + 2 files)
Abstract Or Scope
MS Acc08.075: Comprises the collections previously catalogued as Australian Historic Records Register entries 1955 and 2251, as well as additional papers added by Cuckson family members and former employees of W.E. Cuckson Son Pty Ltd. Includes early notes about the factory; photographs of the WEC factory and social activities and amenities; some company records including minutes of meetings; a selection of tapes and zippers; some ballet school records; newspaper cuttings, ephemera and magazines relating to the factory; writings by Erich Engel Cuckson, including about his philosophy; and a diary of Marie Cuckson. Also includes more recent papers such as biographical writings, including recollections by Hans Lewis, a diary of Bill Davey, writings about Eric Engel Cuckson by various people, and photographs. Catalogue by Barbara Cuckson located in box 1.MS Acc16.118: This addition comprises two booklets, "St Marys 1950s" to Commemorate St Marys Public School's 150 years celebration by Barbara Cuckson, and an illustrated timeline of Erich Engel Cuckson's activities until 1942; another timeline of E. E. Cuckson; three short biographies of E. E. Cuckson; a revised timeline of W. E.Cuckson Industries; a timeline of E. E. Cuckson from 1942 to 1950; information about the Bodenwieser and Cuckson connection; two newspaper clippings about the 50 year celebration 1999; a list of published references to E. E. Cuckson; information about the relationship between W. E. Cuckson Industries and Rondo Building Servies (Boral and CSR); documents relating to the new RBS building, which opened in 2010; documents relating to the RBS 50 year celebration 2014.
2 results

Papers of Axel and Roslyn Poignant, 1922-1980

(8 MS Boxes + 1 packet + 2 map folios + 1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 7623 comprises: 1. Exhibition catalogues: "Land and people" (Kulturhuset, Stockholm, November 1988-January 1989), "Axel Poignant: Australien-land och manniskor" (Kulturhuset, Stockholm, November 1988-Jananuary 1989) and "Yolngu: Aboriginal cultures of North Australia" (Brighton Art Gallery and Museums, May-June 1988). 2. Notes, correspondence, research material, film strips relating to "Kangaroo", "Great Barrier Reef" and "Australia" and miscellaneous papers relating to the Sydney University Protest Committee, 1946-1953. 3. Cuttings draft and correspondence, 1930-1952. Also includes material by Roslyn Poignant. 4. Drafts and papers relating to Encounter at Nagalarramba and presentation for "Rom" exhibition "Its about friendship". 5. Photographs, photograph albums, licenses and programmes. Of the two photograph albums one is indicated as containing Axel Poignant's earliest attempts at photography and hand colouring. There are photographs by Axel Poignant and those collected by him. Also includes drivers license, photographers' credentials and divorce papers; and theatre programmes and educational syllabi (8 boxes, 1 folio, 1 packet).

Papers of Albert Speer, 1932-2012

(50 ms boxes + 1 large folio box + 1 digital carrier box + 3 map folios)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises instalments that contain medical patrol reports from Papua New Guinea and research papers and correspondence on the Mount Lamington eruption, Australian prisoners of war who died on board the Montevideo Maru and other topics connected with the war in the Pacific and Papua New Guinea in general. There are also research notes for Gordon Thomas's publication 'Prisoners in Rabaul: civilians in captivity', personal correspondence, and papers relating to Speer's wartime service and overseas travel.
3 results

Papers of the Hughes and Knight Gregson families, 1865-1962

(3 large folio boxes + 4 map folios + 13 folders + 2 volumes) + 2 PDF documents
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises original letters from Charlotte Louise Knight Gregson (nee Hughes) to her family of Middleton Hall, Northumberland, England after she emigrated to Australia in 1876 aged 26. Included are sketches, water colours, shipping documents, school reports and photographs. The letters detail her farming life in Harden, with comments on colonial life including the shearers' strike, suffragettes, 1890s banking crashes and bushfires. There is also mention of men going off to World War I, railway-building, the establishment of Canberra as the capital, and a relative who was part of Mawson's expedititon. Also included are letters from Frank Hughes (Charlotte Louise's brother) to his family, photographs of George Charles Knight Gregson and Frank Hughes, and a death notice and obituary of Stanly Hughes (Frank Hughes's son).

Papers of Bryan Rofe, c. 1940-1971

1.89 metres (3 archive boxes + 6 ms box + 1 medium folio box)
Abstract Or Scope
Papers relate to Rofe's work in upper-atmosphere research and in the application of space techniques to meterology and earth service. They consist of unclassified correspondence, telegrams and memoranda from within the Department of Supply and with outside research organisations. There are also photographs taken at his retirement from Salisbury, papers relating to his work with COSPAR and ICUMA and files and reports on his various overseas trips. A second installment of papers relate to Rofe's services in the R.A.A.F. during World War II and his work at W.R.E. Salisbury and the Australian Antarctic Division, Melbourne. They include an Allied Geography of the South West Pacific area 1943; correspondence, typescript and published articles by Rofe and others, and notebooks relating to upper atmosphere research; newspaper clippings and photographs of the launching of WRESAT I and photographs of his retirement in 1970. The papers relating to the Antarctic Division include roneoed newsletters, a typescript article entitled 'Nine days alone on the Gotley Glacier,' newspaper clippings and photographs and slides of a trip to the Antarctic in 1970. Collection also contains letters of condolence including letters from Sir Kenneth Anderson, P. M. Twiss, J. H. Dolphin, and P. Duff; photographs taken at overseas conferences, of Carnarvon, W.A., family photographs, an M.B.E. medal and other miscellaneous items. Many of the photographs in this second consignment were annotated by Mrs. Rofe. Additionally there are approximately 2000 letters written by Bryan Rofe and his wife Patricia (nee Whitford) during World War II, that describe the events taking place in their daily lives. Bryan Rofe served in the RAAF Meteorological Service and was posted to Timor as a RAAF Flying Officer. In 1942, Rofe was placed in command of a group of 29 Australian servicemen who, for 58 days, evaded the Japanese invasion of Timor before being picked up from a beach at night by the submarine USS Searaven. Rofe's grandson Tom Trumble, wrote the book 'Rescue at 2100 Hours: the untold story of the most daring escape of the Pacific war' based on information found in these letters along with diaries of Rofe and other servicemen and wartime records. The collection also includes a photo of the US submarine USS Searaven signed by the officers and crew of the submarine; a 1943 portrait photograph of Bryan Rofe as a Squadron Leader in the RAAF; telegrams, poems, photographs and drawings.
3 results