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Papers of Anne Deveson, c. 1950s-2015

20.4 metres (126 ms boxes + 1 large folio box + 205 sound/av carriers + 36 digital carriers)
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This substantial archive documents Anne Deveson's career, writings and activities towards bringing discussions about social issues into the public domain, notably mental health (particularly schizophrenia), aging, homosexuality, abortion, women's rights, trauma recovery and the experiences of refugees. Types of material include research notes, photocopied articles and press cutting relating to Deveson's writings and television broadcasts; interview transcripts; manuscripts of publications, including Coming of Age, Waging Peace and Tell Me I'm Here; notebooks and appointment diaries; radio scripts and teleplays; personal and professional correspondence; correspondence, minutes and other documentation relating to her Directorship of the Australian Film Television and Radio School; audiovisual material, including cassette tapes of unpublished interviews; and photographs documenting family life, functions and events, and Deveson's travels as a journalist to both Africa (primarily Kenya) and Cambodia.

Papers of the Cuckson Family, c.1947-2014

(3 boxes + 1 folio box + 2 files)
Abstract Or Scope
MS Acc08.075: Comprises the collections previously catalogued as Australian Historic Records Register entries 1955 and 2251, as well as additional papers added by Cuckson family members and former employees of W.E. Cuckson Son Pty Ltd. Includes early notes about the factory; photographs of the WEC factory and social activities and amenities; some company records including minutes of meetings; a selection of tapes and zippers; some ballet school records; newspaper cuttings, ephemera and magazines relating to the factory; writings by Erich Engel Cuckson, including about his philosophy; and a diary of Marie Cuckson. Also includes more recent papers such as biographical writings, including recollections by Hans Lewis, a diary of Bill Davey, writings about Eric Engel Cuckson by various people, and photographs. Catalogue by Barbara Cuckson located in box 1.MS Acc16.118: This addition comprises two booklets, "St Marys 1950s" to Commemorate St Marys Public School's 150 years celebration by Barbara Cuckson, and an illustrated timeline of Erich Engel Cuckson's activities until 1942; another timeline of E. E. Cuckson; three short biographies of E. E. Cuckson; a revised timeline of W. E.Cuckson Industries; a timeline of E. E. Cuckson from 1942 to 1950; information about the Bodenwieser and Cuckson connection; two newspaper clippings about the 50 year celebration 1999; a list of published references to E. E. Cuckson; information about the relationship between W. E. Cuckson Industries and Rondo Building Servies (Boral and CSR); documents relating to the new RBS building, which opened in 2010; documents relating to the RBS 50 year celebration 2014.

Collections held by the Humberside Archive Service (as filmed by the AJCP), 1742-1913

25 items
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Papers 1834-60 of Clark and Co, solicitors, relating to emigration to Australia, including a letter from Samuel Clark of Christchurch to his brother.

Papers of Donald Hollier, 1952-2023

(18 medium folio boxes + 9 large folio boxes + 1 medium grey folio box + 2 oversized packages + 3 large ledger boxes + 4 map-folios)
Abstract Or Scope
MS Acc12.010 consists primarily of musical manuscripts; the collection covers Hollier's early work and includes original works, drafts, revisions and arrangements. Score genres range across orchestral, choral, sacred, opera, chamber and musical theatre. Also includes sketches and notes.
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Papers of Winifred Atwell, 1950-1970

(12 ms boxes + 2 medium folio boxes)
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The collection includes correspondence, 1959-80, a large number of press clippings reflecting the English part of Atwell's career with some Australian content, 1958-60, music manuscripts, arrangements, orchestra and band parts, and some sheet music. Songs with music by Winifred Atwell and words by J. Daniels (Folio 1), copy of Atwell's "Swanee River Boogie", sheet music of her "Jubilee Rag" and manuscripts of accompanying parts, and sheet music of "Dill Pickles, Oh! what a lovely war", and "Hawaiian Cha-Cha", arranged by Atwell, with manuscript band arrangements, are included.

Records of the Australian Federation of Women Voters, 1920-1983

8.22 metres (1 packet + 18 archives boxes + 33 ms boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises correspondence, minutes, conference papers, reports, newsletters, brochures, newspaper cuttings, photographs and other records. The records cover the legal and political status of women, family allowances and child endowment, women's wages and work conditions, family planning, maternity allowances, marriage and divorce laws and alimony. Additional topics of interest in the collection are the nationality of married women, landlord and tenant agreements, legal aid, prostitution, censorship, equal educational rights, moral standards and the elimination of racism and discrimination against women.
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Records of the Australian Council of National Trusts, 1962-2003

25.54 metres (181 boxes + 1 packet)
Abstract Or Scope
Boxes in the original collection run have three sets of identifying numbers: those originally assigned by the ACNT, those applied by the commercial storage facility, National Record Managers, and the current consecutive sequence applied by the Library. The Library was selective in accepting material from the collection stored with National Record Managers: around two thirds of that material is retained in the current NLA collection. The latter comprises correspondence with internal and external agencies, promotional pamphlets, meeting and conference minutes, policy and planning documents, reports, photographs, press clippings and materials relating to specific conservation/heritage sites and campaigns. There are also separate files on external bodies such UNESCO and the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).

Records of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia, 1931-1984

1 metres (7 boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises minutes, correspondence, publications and other printed material.

Papers of Herbert Cole Coombs, 1918-1995

(49 ms boxes + 44 archives boxes + 5 ms cartons)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises correspondence, reports, conference papers, research material and newspaper and journal articles, mainly relating to Coomb's involvement with the Aboriginal community and his support of many Aboriginal causes. Also included are papers produced while Coombs was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies at the Australian National University, papers relating to the Australian Council for the Arts, personal papers, newspaper clippings, photographs, files of biographical material and correspondence with Christina Stead.
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