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Papers of Sir Timothy Coghlan, 1878-1959

2.31 metres (7 archive boxes + 4 ms boxes + 1 medium folio box)
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Papers of Sir George Tallis, 1889-1948

2.4 metres (12 boxes + 1 folio)
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The collection was transferred to the Library after the death of John (‘Jack’) Tallis, youngest son of Sir George Tallis who lived in the Tallis home ‘Beleura’, Mornington, Victoria. John Tallis died in December 1996 and the papers came to the Library in 1999. Michael Tallis, a grandson of Sir George Tallis, and co-author with Joan Tallis of a biography of him, was also involved in negotiating the transfer of the collection to the Library.
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Papers of Robin Gollan, 1920-2005

3.11 metres (22 boxes)
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They include correspondence, lecture notes, drafts, manuscripts, typescripts, research notes, journal articles, photocopies, and notebooks relating to Gollan's long career as a history lecturer and labour historian and his interests in forest issues, the peace movement and uranium mining.
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Papers of Andrew Reeves, 1857-1999

9.78 metres (57 boxes, 10 folio packets, 4 cartons)
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Papers collected by Andrew Reeves, primarily relating to the trade union movement, the Australian Labor Party, the Communist Party of Australia and left wing political issues. There are also papers relating to student political activities on the University of Melbourne, Monash and La Trobe University campuses; the anti-Vietnam War movement; the Socialist Party of Australia; the League of Nations International Labour Conference; the Association of Architects, Surveyors, Engineers and Draughtsmen of Australia and the co-operative movement. Papers of Phillip Bain collected by Andrew Reeves are also contained in the papers.
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Papers of Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson, 1807-1950

(16 ms boxes, 3 medium folio boxes, 2 large folio boxes, 8 map folios)
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The collection represents a considerable part of Paterson's work and life. There is a large group of his writings in the form of manuscript and typescript drafts of verse, prose, articles and radio plays. Some drafts are fully formed, while others are notes jotted down in journals and diaries. There are papers and photographs relating to Paterson's military service in both the Boer War and World War 1, family correspondence and photographs, newspaper cuttings, ephemera, scrapbooks, and memorabilia.
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Records of the Australian Student Christian Movement, 1895-1997, 1895-1997

(267 boxes at Hume 2 + 1 medium folio box at HW + 1 large folio box at HW)
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The Australian Student Christian Movement, until 1913 known as the Australian Student Christian Union, is the Australian branch of the World Student Christian Federation (W.S.C.F.) It is active mainly in Universities but also in schools and teacher training colleges.
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Papers of Andrew Fisher, 1883-1952 (bulk 1901-1921)

(14 boxes + 8 folio boxes + 5 map drawer folio items)
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The Fisher Papers include correspondence on family and official matters, departmental minutes and administrative papers, press cuttings, photographs, personal documents, and books and pamphlets. Much of this material document Fisher's political career, especially his terms as Australia's Prime Minister (1908-1909, 1910-1913, 1914-1915), and his work as High Commissioner in London (1915-1921). The correspondents include George Ryland, Matthew Reid, W. Demaine, J. C. Watson, Frank Tudor, D. C. McGrath, James Page, Albert Gardiner, W. G. Higgs, Josiah Thomas, Sir George Pearce, Keith A. Murdoch, W.M. Hughes, Sir George Reid, Colonel Anderson and General Birdwood.

Papers of Sir Joseph Cook, 1880-1986

0.56 metres (4 boxes)
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This collection is a mixture of material created by Joseph Cook, and material gathered by Mrs Mary Wood, his granddaughter. It consists of a small number of notebooks, a commission as NSW Secretary for Mines and Agriculture, an illuminated address, the text of the Treaty of Versailles, a passport, photographs, newspaper cuttings, and miscellaneous printed and photocopied material relating to Cook. The first part of this material was donated to the Library in 1968 by Mrs Wood. Subsequent material, also originating from Mrs Wood, was purchased from a book dealer in 1995.

Records of the Australasian Federation League of New South Wales, 1871-1909

3.72 metres (12 boxes + 1 folio box + 21 security binders)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection largely comprises records, 1893-1909, of the Australasian Federation League of New South Wales, the United Federal Executive and Central Federation League of New South Wales, including minute books, letterbooks, lists of speakers, accounts, cuttings and correspondence. Correspondents include W. Astley, Edmund Barton, Thomas Bavin, Alexander Campbell Onslow, Alfred Deakin, T.T. Ewing, R.J. Fairbairn, Robert Garran, T.H. Hassall, Thomas Hughes, Atlee Hunt, A.H. Jaines, J. Kirkpatrick, Rev. James S. Laing, T.F.H. Mackenzie, W. Nichols, R.E. O'Connor, Albert B. and W.H.B. Piddington, John Quick, G.H. Reid, J.B. Reymond, A.J. Reynolds, F.B. Suttor, Dugald Thomson, J.H. Vickery, Edward Wilson, B.R. Wise and J.H. Young.
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Papers of Alfred C. Haddon (as filmed by the AJCP), c.1880-1940

437 items
Abstract Or Scope
Personal papers and correspondence 1880-1935 mainly referring to ethnography and anthropological field work in Torres Strait and New Guinea. Correspondents include R.F. Fortune, Bronislaw Malinowski, E.W.P. Chinnery, Gregory Bateson, W. Baldwin Spencer, Daisy Bates, Camilla Wedgwood, A.R. Radcliffe-Brown and L. Dudley Buxton.