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Papers of Arthur Wesley Wheen, 1915-2005 (bulk 1920-1940)

(24 ms boxes + 2 large folio boxes + 1 map folio + 1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 3656 comprises manuscripts, typescripts and galley proofs of Wheen's translations, letters and a small number of books and pamphlets (see MS 3656, Boxes 1-10).

Papers of Rex Harold Hall, 1945-1947

(5 folders + 1 folio packet)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers include typescripts, statistical sheets, some Latvian and Ukrainian newspapers and pamphlets, Displaced Persons papers, UNRRA stationary forms, regulations, organisation charts, maps, newsletters, meal tickets, photographs, invitations, and some correspondence to Mr. Hall, and photocopies of two diaries (1946-1947).
2 results

Records of the Overseas Telecommunications Commission collected by Guntis Berzins, 1947-2013

(2 folders)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection consists of material created and collected by Guntis Berzins, who worked for the Overseas Telecommunications Commission (Australia) as an engineer during the 1960s and 1970s. The collection includes a series of 20 lectures on "Telecommunications Organization and Procedures" issued by the Commission, working documents regarding testing of the concept and establishment of a system to distribute television to the Australian outback, examination papers for promotion to a clerical position, and ephemera relating to the official opening of the South-East Asia Commonwealth Cable (SEACOM) on 30 March 1967. This submarine telephone cable linked Cairns with Guam, Hong Kong and Singapore.
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Edward Stokes collection relating to Broken Hill, New South Wales

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The collection comprises Edward Stokes' photographic collection for his publication United We Stand: Impressions of Broken Hill, 1908-1910. The majority of the photographs are taken by James Wooler (1873-1944), a photographer who created a detailed pictorial record of Broken Hill between 1908-1910. The collection covers life in Broken Hill including photographs of the sporting events, horse races, picnics, school groups, parades, abattoirs, trains, the mines and the 1909 miner strike.
2 results

Logbook 1838 Apr.-1838 Sept.

0.03 metres (1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
Logbook kept by Smith during the voyage of the Clyde from Kingston, Ireland to Sydney, New South Wales. It describes the living conditions of the 235 male convicts, his treatment of their illnesses and the arrival of the ship at Port Jackson. In the front of the volume are 8 loose items of personal documents and correspondence relating to John Smith.
1 result

Phillip Island, Victoria : geographic ephemera collected by the National Library of Australia, N.D.

Abstract Or Scope
Material in the Geography and Travel ephemera collection covers significant information about the geography, history, and tourist activities of places in Australia, its Antarctic and island territories. This includes geographical features, national parks and reserves, regions, cities, towns, buildings and other man-made structures. The collection includes advertising material, pamphlets, price lists, tokens, area and accommodation guides, brochures, postcards, stickers, labels and tickets.
1 result

Papers of Phillip Parker King, 1826-1830

(5 large volumes in MS box + 1 volume of photocopies)
Abstract Or Scope
Collection comprises five volumes of journals, reports and other papers.
1 result

Buckland collection of railway transport photographs [selected items], 1930-1988

Described in Series 1 - 3: 28 cold store folders + 18 negative boxes + 1 map + 1 object
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises photographic prints, slides, and negatives relating to Australian railway history.
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Rex Nan Kivell collection of photographs and reproductions of Melbourne and photographic reproductions of nineteenth century genre paintings, Approximately 1885-1909

Abstract Or Scope
Collection includes images of Melbourne public buildings including the Town Hall, Post Office, gardens and hospitals.