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Papers of Ian Manning, 1960-2017

(19 archive boxes)
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This collection comprises primarily Ian Manning's working papers, research, theses, reports and consulting paperwork accumulated during his time at the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research in the mid 1980's and beyond. The records relate largely to his work within Victoria, but also his appointment overseas in China and South Africa and include handwritten notes, edited typescripts, tables, maps and research papers. Included are also documents, transcripts and submissions pertaining to the 'Poverty Inquiry' and the National Inquiry into Local Government.
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Papers of Jill Jolliffe, 1890-2017

(89 ms boxes + 3 large folio boxes + 1 medium folio box + 7 small folio boxes + 3 volumes + 13 map folios + 2 elephant folios + 219 sound/av carriers + 63 digital carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises four instalments. The original instalment MS Acc09.179 comprises research material on various topics including Chloe MacMillan, gold transfer from Nazi Germany to Lisbon, Salazar, Macau, Huambo, Luanda; documents relating to East Timor including lists of military equipment in use, United Nations documents, Timorese Constitution, 2006 violence; correspondence with Noam Chomsky on East Timor, Francesc Vendrell, United Nations, Helen Clark, Herb Feith, Arthur Tange, Francis James, Kevin Sherlock; publications including articles arising from Jolliffe's interviews with Xanana Gusmao and Konis Santana; articles by Jolliffe as filed to commissioning newspapers; photographs, mostly taken in East Timor and others from Angola, Portugal, Guinea-Bissau, China, Burma, Azores, Macau; news clippings of Jolliffe's articles; journalistic and research notebooks; videos and audio tapes of stories and radio broadcasts concerning East Timor; ephemera including press cards, invitations, exhibition catalogues and World War II propaganda.The MS Acc11.188 instalment comprises manuscript and published material relating to Portugal and its colonies, specifically East Timor and Angola with some references to Macau. The contents include newspaper articles, photographs, monographs, Portuguese cabinet documents, a significant collection of postcards, realia, manuscripts and correspondence (notably with Xanana Gusmão). Much of the material is written in Portuguese.The MS Acc12.040 instalment comprises manuscript and published material relating to Portugal and its colonies, specifically East Timor and Angola with some references to Macau. The contents include newspaper articles, photographs, monographs, realia, manuscripts and correspondence. Much of the material is written in Portuguese.The MS Acc17.135 installment comprises papers from Jill Jolliffe's professional life as an investigative journalist. They include working files containing a combination of research material, notes, printed ephemera, clippings, drafts of articles, transcripts of interviews, printed emails and correspondence. There are photographic prints, modest objects, Government reports, videos and audio cassettes, extensive material regarding East Timor, the Balibo Five and the Living Memory Project, published journals containing articles by Jill Jolliffe, notebooks containing notes from interviews.
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7:30 Report Shelf-Tall OH1-19-014


Papers of Ian J. Mason, 1874-2021

(52 ms boxes + 7 large folio boxes)
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MS Acc11.034 comprises papers collected by Mason during the writing of a book on Australian oologists, 1835-2009. They consist largely of an alphabetical sequence of files containing information on approximately 250 egg collectors, including personal details, photographs, correspondence, family histories and lists of egg clutches they collected.MS Acc22.028 comprises reference material that Ian J. Mason collated and created for use in: "Passions in Ornithology: A Century of Australian Egg Collectors. And Passions in Ornithology: A Century of Australian Egg Collectors (Supplementary Edition)". It includes: biographical accounts of egg collectors; photographs, negatives and prints relating to birds and egg collecting including an album of bird photographs from Norman Chaffer and J. Ramsay; correspondence, notes, articles and egg data cards and among others.
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Papers of Norman 'Val' St Leon, 1937-2016

(18 ms boxes + 2 large folio boxes + 2 medium folio boxes + 1 folder + 8 sound AV carriers + 1 digital carrier)
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The collection comprises papers, correspondence, cards, recorded interviews and photographs relating to Norman 'Val' St Leon's working life. The bulk of the original consignment relates to St Leon's employment as a navigator and pilot with Qantas, and his career in the RAAF during the Second World War. Included in corespondence is a Christmas card St Leon sent to his father while serving with the RAAF in North Africa in 1941. These cards provide further insight into St Leon's experience in wartime aviation as well as providing an example of the kinds of material that was produced for members of the RAAF to send home.There is also a large amount of written material from his Master of Letters, and essays and lectures written on aviation, particularly in relation to Qantas' industrial agreement. The recorded interviews are with Margaret Throsby of ABC Radio on the internal pilot's strike, Bill Bulson of 2MBS, Ron Yates, former CEO Qantas, Don Gray of Qantas, and Bert Smithwell, also of Qantas. This collection includes a recording of a Boeing 747 SIM checkout and flying training session.
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ABC Capricornia, 2006 1 disc Digital-Carriers-Box 18


Papers of Patricia St Leon, 1916-2019

0.45 metres (3 MS Boxes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises papers of the late Mrs Patricia St Leon (nee Burke), who was one of the nine original flight attendants employed by Qantas Empire Airways in 1947 and includes photographs, correspondence, documents and published material relating to both her personal life and career with Qantas.
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Papers of Kevin Bradley, 1912-2022

(1 ms box)
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This collection comprises papers created by Kevin Bradley in various roles at the National Library of Australia (NLA) as well as papers collected during his time in roles external to the NLA. The material mostly relates to folk music in Australia and includes papers written by Bradley, draft publications, notes, correspondence, interview transcripts and photographs. Some material relates to Edgar Waters (scholar, folklorist, social historian), Ron Edwards (folklorist, artist, author), Dave de Hugard and the Sound Heritage Association (SHA).
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Records of the Walter Burley Griffin Society, 1913-1959

1.25 metres (1 MS box + 1 map folio)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection comprises a boolket produced by Greater Sydney Development Association showing Castlecrag and its buildings from c1922 to c1926; a booklet containing descriptions and illustrations of buildings designed and constructed by Walter Burley Griffin using knitlock; Program for the 1936 annual Anthroposophical Festival; Carbon copy of typed reference by Walter B. Grriffin written for Louise Lighfoot; Copy of a thesis on the work of Walter Burley Griffin by Robert Meyer; Eight page original contract dated 1 November 1934. Signed by Eric M. Nichols and Walter B. Griffin on behalf of the Greater Sydney Development Association, and by E. A. Deans; Five page typewritten essay written by C. C. D. Brammall in 1947 and annotated by Edgar Deans describing the Griffins aims to build a Sydney suburb of Castlecrag; Newsletter published by the Cumberland County Council Cumberland;The Federal Capital: Report Explanatory of the Preliminary General Plan from 1913; Illustrated plan of the subdivision of Castlecrag Estate, produced by the Greater Sydney Development Association.
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Papers of John Halden Wootten

(47 ms boxes + 1 medium folio box + 1 folder + 1 digital carrier)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises working and personal papers of the late John Halden (Hal) Wootten AC, QC, 1922-2021. Wootten's papers cover his high profile career where he was involved in a wide range of matters of national significance including his years as a barrister, foundation dean of the University of New South Wales Law School, a judge of the Equity Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Chair of the Press Council, President of the Australian Conservation Foundation, a Commissioner into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and a Deputy President of the Native Title Tribunal. His papers include notebooks from field-work on Manus Island in 1947, information about the influential LawAsia Foundation from the 1950s, and a folder containing details of the original meetings that established the Aboriginal Legal Service in Sydney in 1970. He acted for both employers and employees in important industrial disputes in the 1960s, out of Chambers he shared with both John Kerr and Gough Whitlam in Sydney. Included in this material on the case of James Savage, aka Russell Moore, a Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba man who was incarcerated in the United States of America. Wootten was given leave from the Royal Commission to provide evidence for the trial in California.

Papers relating to Andrew Delfosse Badgery, 1905-2021

(1 MS box + 1 small folio box + 1 medium folio box + 1 map folio + 1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
This collection of papers relating to Andrew Delfosse Badgery comprises a mixture of formats and materials, some contemporary to Badgery's life and some produced by third parties. Of note are a number of diaries which the donor accredit to Badgery himself, one which is of his early life and labelled as fragile, and one which was created during his time as a pilot in WWI. There is a large family tree, and numerous photographs, some stored as a collection in a single binder and some in his diaries. There is a lot of material relating to a biography of Badgery which the donor suggests was written by his son Peter, including several typed drafts, and correspondences with the Australian War Memorial and National Archives Australia regarding his service. There is also a biography of his son, as well as some articles written by the donor regarding Badgery.
3 results

Papers of Romaldo Giurgola, 1945-2018

45 ms boxes; 38 albums; 28 rolls; 7 map-folios; 5 large folio boxes; 4 medium folio boxes; 1 small folio box; 2 non-standard boxes; and 1 piece.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises material relating to Romaldo Giurgola's education, qualifications, employment, work, and various awards and honours he received. There is extensive Australian and international publications that cover his work, as well as published and unpublished material by Giurgola. The collection displays Giurgola's use of traditional architectural techniques through extensive original sketches and watercolour drawings and includes a number of awards he received during his career.