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Opera Factory : programs and related material collected by the National Library of Australia, 1973 - 1998

1 collection.
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Material in the Australian performing arts programs and ephemera (PROMPT) collection consists of programs and related items of the Opera Factory including theatre programs in Australia, United Kingdom, and Switzerland.
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Fairfax collection of photographs relating to immigration, 1938-1997, 1938-1997

1 collection (2174 black and white photographs contained in 39 albums, 1 cold store smalls folder and 1 pic drawer)
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This collection comprises 2174 black and white photographs documenting immigration to Australia, with a small quantity of photographs documentating immigration to the United States. The photographs represent a diverse range of ethnicities from Europe, Asia, the Middle East, America and Africa.
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National Library of Australia collection of pictures arranged by subject, 1800-2000

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This collection contains approximately 2,415 items, mostly photographs, relating to a variety of geographic locations, time periods, creators, and topics. Key themes include Australian states, capital cities and regional towns; Australian and New Zealand artwork reproductions; prominent photographers including Nicholas Caire, Edward Haigh, Bernhardt Holtermann, Axel Poignant, and Heide Smith; international and domestic conferences; the Federation of Australia; Government ministries and political parties; daily life in Australia; New Zealand and the Pacific region; transport, including ships; theatre and dance; and World War I and World War II.
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Papers of James Murdoch, 1930-2008

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MS 8372 comprises correspondence, diaries, personal documents, financial papers, manuscripts, notes, reference files, newspaper cuttings, photographs, posters, programs, scores, publications and tape recordings documenting James Murdoch's activities in the period 1960-1990. Among the organisations with which Murdoch was associated were James Murdoch Management Pty Ltd, Lusillo and his Spanish Dance Theatre, World Record Club, Music Rostrum, Australian Music Centre, International Society for Contemporary Music, the Australia Council, Sydney Opera House Trust, Musica Viva and Chiron College. The correspondents include Margaret Sutherland, Roger Woodward, Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, Donald Peart, Frank Callaway, Ian Farr, Nadine Amadio, Miriam Hyde, Peter Sculthorpe, Helen Gifford and Graeme Koehne (114 boxes, 1 fol. box).
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Donald Ian McDonald collection of slides, approximately 1960-1969

452 slides : colour ; 35 mm
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Collection of images taken by Donald Ian McDonald in the 1960s documenting significant buildings and landmarks in cities and towns in South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, and Western Australia.
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Byrne Goodrick and Ian Angus Map Collection, 1925-1956

58 maps, 1018 data sheets and 4 booklets items in 6 boxes + 6 folders + 1 canvas pouch + 1 wooden box

Papers of Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru collected by D.A. Low, 1896-1981

9.54 metres (8 boxes + 115 volumes)
Abstract Or Scope
The collection consists largely of photocopies of the papers of Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, 1875 – 1949, which were collected, copied and bound by Professor D. A. Low. The original collection is held in full in the National Library of India, Calcutta. The collection documents the Indian National Movement for Independence focussing on the years 1920 to 1949.
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Papers of Sidney William Jackson, 1888-1936

0.96 metres (6 boxes)
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The collection consists of correspondence relating mainly to the disposal of the Jacksonian Oological Collection, field note books and data books, drawings of natural specimens, photographs taken mainly on expeditions, press cuttings and printed matter.
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Papers of Dennis Altman, 1961-2021

(23 ms boxes + 1 archives box + 1 map folio + 2 folders)
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The collection comprises papers documenting academic and gay right's campaigner Dennis Altman's career as a writer and his roles in Australian and international HIV/AIDS organisations. Includes correspondence to and from academics, publishers, politicians, leaders of homosexual movements and admirers.

Papers of James Gleeson, 1915-2008

(125 ms boxes + 7 folio boxes + 2 map folios + 3 phase boxes + 1 packet)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers in MS 7440 are arranged into 13 series: 1. Correspondence: family, 1956-1971: letters from mother, sister and niece; general, 1949-1984: letters from other artists and writers. Some of the correspondents are Edward and Honor Smith, Errol Peisby, Tom and Else Gleghorn, Lloyd Rees, Patrick White, Pam Bell and Desiderius Orban and Alister Kershaw. 2. Diaries and notebooks, 1948, 1958-1987. Diaries kept during Gleeson's travels. Notebooks that contain drafts of his writings. 3. Manuscripts: drafts, typescripts and working notes of writings, including Master pieces of Australian paintings (1969), William Dobell (1964) and Robert Klippel (1983). 4. Australian National Gallery, 1973-1982: reports, financial statements, some correspondence and minutes of meetings. 5. William Dobell Art Foundation, 1975-1979: correspondence, reports, photographs and minutes of meetings. 6. Visual Art Board, 1974-1976: minutes of meetings, grant applications and reports. 7. Commonwealth Art Advisory Board, 1972-1973: minutes, financial papers, reports and some correspondence. 8. A bound volume of original artworks and collages created by James Gleeson in 2000 when his life-long partner, Frank O'Keefe, was seriously ill in hospital. Gleeson presented the volume to O'Keefe on his recovery (47 boxes, 1 fol. boxes, 2 phase boxes).The Acc09.018 instalment consists of papers accumulated by Gleeson during the course of his long life and career. Over half of this instalment comprises photographic material, which includes images of Gleeson's works in a variety of mediums, photographs from his numerous trips overseas and a small group of family photographs. The remainder of the instalment comprises correspondence; diaries; papers relating to Gleeson's involvement with the Dobell Foundation; cuttings from newspapers and magazines; and a small group of invoices and receipts. There are a number of notebooks and binders containing Gleeson's notes for books, articles and lectures (62 boxes, 1 folio).The Acc09.201 instalment largely comprises photographic material of images of Gleeson's works in a variety of mediums. In addition, there are travel photographs and a small group of photographs of the O'Keefe family. The remainder of the instalment consists of correspondence, a folder of collage cutouts and Gleeson's palette (15 boxes, 6 fol. boxes, 1 map folio, 1 os phase box).The Acc16.019 consignment comprises a scrapbook of James Gleeson containing colour photographs of Gleeson's artwork series Odysseus, Apollo, Cadmus, Pelops, Perseus, Bellerophon, Theseus, Orion, Arion and Hercules. Details of galleries and dates of exhibitions are noted alongside most photographs. This addition also includes five typed poems of Li-Tai-Po, an 8th century Chinese poet.
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