Papers on Sir Robert Helpmann and Dame Peggy van Praagh compiled by Christopher Sexton, including tapes of interviews with Malcolm Williamson, Dobbs Franks, John Cargher, Bill Akers, Don Dunstan, and Robert Helpmann; letters to Sexton regarding Helpmann dated 1986-1987 - correspondents include Sir John Gielgud, Peter Sculthorpe, Malcolm Williamson, Lord Snowdon, Bishop E.D. Cameron, Graeme Murphy, Sir Anthony Dowell, Margaret Rawlings, Sir Ian Potter, P.E. Thompson Hancock, Geoffrey Ingram, Sir Michael Hordern, Sir Kenneth Macmillan and others; part of unpublished manuscript for a biography on Helpmann by Sexton; photographs and photocopies of press clippings from Helpmann scrapbooks held by NLA; published books on Helpmann; letters to Sexton on van Praagh dated 1983-1986 - correspondents include Lord Snowdon, Antony Tudor, Sir Charles Mackerras, Gordon and Peggy van Praagh, Sir Ian Potter, Dame Margaret Scott, Lady Viola Tait, Dr H.C. Coombs, Graeme Murphy, Dame Ninette de Valois, Lady Mary Fairfax, Shirley McKechnie and others; articles on van Praagh; documents relating to Sexton's book Peggy van Praagh - a life of dance; photographs of van Praagh and family.
Papers 1800-1803 of Major Henry C. Sirr, Town Major and Head of Police in Dublin 1798-1826, including letters relating to Michael Dwyer and his party, information of Thomas Devoy relating to John Carroll, and petition of Mathias McElray on board the Anne.
Includes postcards, fact sheets, brochures, invitations, programs, advertising and promotional material, leaflets, speeches, a quilt, banners, coins, pins, badges, medals, caps, t-shirts and material printed from the Internet, etc. relating to the Centenary of Federation, 2001.
Printed materials in the PROMPT collection include programs and printed ephemera such as brochures, leaflets, tickets, etc. Theatre programs are taken as the prime documentary evidence of a performance. The list is based on imperfect holdings, and is updated as gaps in the Library's holdings are filled. Unless otherwise stated, all entries are based on published programs in the PROMPT collection.
45 ms boxes; 38 albums; 28 rolls; 7 map-folios; 5 large folio boxes; 4 medium folio boxes; 1 small folio box; 2 non-standard boxes; and 1 piece.
Abstract Or Scope
This collection comprises material relating to Romaldo Giurgola's education, qualifications, employment, work, and various awards and honours he received. There is extensive Australian and international publications that cover his work, as well as published and unpublished material by Giurgola. The collection displays Giurgola's use of traditional architectural techniques through extensive original sketches and watercolour drawings and includes a number of awards he received during his career.
Printed materials in the PROMPT collection include programs and printed ephemera such as brochures, leaflets, tickets, etc. Theatre programs are taken as the prime documentary evidence of a performance. In a few cases however, the only evidence of a performance is a piece of printed ephemera. In these cases the type of piece is identified, e.g. brochure.