Working with Clyde Cameron, Minister for Labour, 1973-1980 Box 7 (MS 10572) Unit ID: 19 Date: 1973/1980
Work, organisation, struggle: 7th national Labour history conference, Australian National University, 19-21 April 2001 Box 16 (MS 10650) Unit ID: 157 Date: 19-21 April 2001
Workshop and Special Interest Seminar on Intercountry Adoption and Sponsorship, ICSW Regional Conference, Bombay, 1981-08 Box 1 (MS 10635) Unit ID: 6 Date: 1981-08
Workshop on Intercountry Adoption and Sponsorship, XXth InternationalConference on Social Welfare, Hong Kong, 1980-07 Box 1 (MS 10635) Unit ID: 5 Date: 1980-07
Workshop on Intercountry Adoption, XXIst International Conference on Social Welfare, Brighton, UK, 1982-09 Box 1 (MS 10635) Unit ID: 7 Date: 1982-09
Works of the British Poets including translations from the Greek and Roman Authors. Vol VIII. Printed for John Sharpe, Piccadilly and Suttaby, Evance & Fox, Stationers Court, Ludgate St, London, 1813