7.68 metres(45 ms boxes + 2 medium folio boxes + 1 map folio + 1 folder)
Abstract Or Scope
The papers in MS 10043 reflect the personal and professional life of Australian writer, Kylie Tennant. They include correspondence, personal documents, notes and notebooks, literary manuscripts, press cuttings, photographs and graphic material. The bulk of the collection comprises correspondence and research material, notes and drafts relating to Tennant's literary works. The papers of Tennant's husband, L.C. Rodd, are present throughout the collection, largely in the form of correspondence. Australian literary figures amongst the correspondents are: Kay Brown, Nancy Cato, Clem Christesen, Robert Darby, Beatrice Davis, Geoffrey Dutton, Miles Franklin, Mary Gilmore, Dorothy Green, Max Harris, Elizabeth Harrower, Tom Inglis Moore, Elizabeth Jolley, Nancy Keesing, David Martin, Stephen Murray-Smith, Nettie Palmer, Nancy Phelan, Hal Porter, Colin Roderick, Peter Scriven, Thomas Shapcott, Douglas Stewart, Judah Waten, Patrick White and Patricia Wrightson. Other correspondents represented in the collection by significant amounts of papers include long-term friend and Maitland City Librarian, Mavis Cribb, the Reverend Alfred Clint, Doris Chadwick, Jack Ross and Tennant's children, Bim (John) and Benison Rodd (45 boxes, 2 fol. boxes, 1 elephant folio).
Material in the Programs and invitations ephemera collection includes invitations to official events, dinner invitations honouring visiting dignitaries, dance cards, award presentations, openings, commemorative and sporting programs. Some programs and invitations may also include menus.
Material in the Programs and invitations ephemera collection includes invitations to official events, dinner invitations honouring visiting dignitaries, dance cards, award presentations, openings, commemorative and sporting programs. Some programs and invitations may also include menus.
Material in the Programs and invitations ephemera collection includes invitations to official events, dinner invitations honouring visiting dignitaries, dance cards, award presentations, openings, commemorative and sporting programs. Some programs and invitations may also include menus.
The records include correspondence, minutes of meetings, annual reports, agenda papers, financial records, press cuttings, news releases, records on constitutional matters, some personal papers of office bearers and printed material.
(214 ms boxes, 436 music boxes, 13 small folio boxes, 75 medium folio boxes, 58 large folio boxes, 8 map folios, 3 small phase boxes, 2 large phase boxes, 2 oversized phase boxes, 604 sound/av carriers)
Abstract Or Scope
MS 10757 encompasses Richard Bonynge and Dame Joan Sutherland's working career archive and research library, with the most substantial component comprising a vast array of music manuscripts, published scores and sets, sheet music, photocopies, and music excerpts. The archive contains a collection of singing methods, vocalises, and treatises ranging from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries, used to research and develop singing techniques appropriate to different time periods and styles of vocal repertoire; as well as numerous scores and parts annotated and used by both Richard Bonynge and Joan Sutherland, including arrangements by Douglas Gamley for recordings and live performances, and Joan Sutherland's annotated libretti and performance notes.
The papers in MS 7440 are arranged into 13 series: 1. Correspondence: family, 1956-1971: letters from mother, sister and niece; general, 1949-1984: letters from other artists and writers. Some of the correspondents are Edward and Honor Smith, Errol Peisby, Tom and Else Gleghorn, Lloyd Rees, Patrick White, Pam Bell and Desiderius Orban and Alister Kershaw. 2. Diaries and notebooks, 1948, 1958-1987. Diaries kept during Gleeson's travels. Notebooks that contain drafts of his writings. 3. Manuscripts: drafts, typescripts and working notes of writings, including Master pieces of Australian paintings (1969), William Dobell (1964) and Robert Klippel (1983). 4. Australian National Gallery, 1973-1982: reports, financial statements, some correspondence and minutes of meetings. 5. William Dobell Art Foundation, 1975-1979: correspondence, reports, photographs and minutes of meetings. 6. Visual Art Board, 1974-1976: minutes of meetings, grant applications and reports. 7. Commonwealth Art Advisory Board, 1972-1973: minutes, financial papers, reports and some correspondence. 8. A bound volume of original artworks and collages created by James Gleeson in 2000 when his life-long partner, Frank O'Keefe, was seriously ill in hospital. Gleeson presented the volume to O'Keefe on his recovery (47 boxes, 1 fol. boxes, 2 phase boxes).The Acc09.018 instalment consists of papers accumulated by Gleeson during the course of his long life and career. Over half of this instalment comprises photographic material, which includes images of Gleeson's works in a variety of mediums, photographs from his numerous trips overseas and a small group of family photographs. The remainder of the instalment comprises correspondence; diaries; papers relating to Gleeson's involvement with the Dobell Foundation; cuttings from newspapers and magazines; and a small group of invoices and receipts. There are a number of notebooks and binders containing Gleeson's notes for books, articles and lectures (62 boxes, 1 folio).The Acc09.201 instalment largely comprises photographic material of images of Gleeson's works in a variety of mediums. In addition, there are travel photographs and a small group of photographs of the O'Keefe family. The remainder of the instalment consists of correspondence, a folder of collage cutouts and Gleeson's palette (15 boxes, 6 fol. boxes, 1 map folio, 1 os phase box).The Acc16.019 consignment comprises a scrapbook of James Gleeson containing colour photographs of Gleeson's artwork series Odysseus, Apollo, Cadmus, Pelops, Perseus, Bellerophon, Theseus, Orion, Arion and Hercules. Details of galleries and dates of exhibitions are noted alongside most photographs. This addition also includes five typed poems of Li-Tai-Po, an 8th century Chinese poet.
The collection largely comprises records, 1893-1909, of the Australasian Federation League of New South Wales, the United Federal Executive and Central Federation League of New South Wales, including minute books, letterbooks, lists of speakers, accounts, cuttings and correspondence. Correspondents include W. Astley, Edmund Barton, Thomas Bavin, Alexander Campbell Onslow, Alfred Deakin, T.T. Ewing, R.J. Fairbairn, Robert Garran, T.H. Hassall, Thomas Hughes, Atlee Hunt, A.H. Jaines, J. Kirkpatrick, Rev. James S. Laing, T.F.H. Mackenzie, W. Nichols, R.E. O'Connor, Albert B. and W.H.B. Piddington, John Quick, G.H. Reid, J.B. Reymond, A.J. Reynolds, F.B. Suttor, Dugald Thomson, J.H. Vickery, Edward Wilson, B.R. Wise and J.H. Young.
The Darryl Thompson Menu Collection includes menus from across Australia, domestic and international ships and airlines, several countries including France, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, and the Zollinger collection.