Covering the period 1853-63, this collection includes letters and reports from Archer to the Colonial Secretary and others concerning Victorian records and statistical registration, together with miscellaneous notes and tables.
(3 large folio boxes + 4 map folios + 13 folders + 2 volumes) + 2 PDF documents
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The collection comprises original letters from Charlotte Louise Knight Gregson (nee Hughes) to her family of Middleton Hall, Northumberland, England after she emigrated to Australia in 1876 aged 26. Included are sketches, water colours, shipping documents, school reports and photographs. The letters detail her farming life in Harden, with comments on colonial life including the shearers' strike, suffragettes, 1890s banking crashes and bushfires. There is also mention of men going off to World War I, railway-building, the establishment of Canberra as the capital, and a relative who was part of Mawson's expedititon. Also included are letters from Frank Hughes (Charlotte Louise's brother) to his family, photographs of George Charles Knight Gregson and Frank Hughes, and a death notice and obituary of Stanly Hughes (Frank Hughes's son).
Correspondence, documents, speeches, circulars, reports and photographs relating to the various companies, committees, and charities he was involved with and personal matters.
The collection comprises original material (two manuscripts) plus typescript transcripts. Folio manuscript, 32 pages, no covers, written by Alexander Home includes 'The Account of Ottihiti and Our Transaction there, Continued' [pp 19-27, 30-41]; 'A description of the Vale of Tiarabuwh some Remarks on its inhabitants' [pp 42-54]; 'Lattd and Long. of places Touched at and Discovered by the Resolution and Discovery wh the Dates. Var: hight of the tides there Set of the nidle Thermometer' [pp 28-29]. Octavo manuscript, 66 pages, vellum cover, inscribed 'LOG BOOK of Captain Alex: Home R.N. of Buskenburn, Berwickshire while with Captain Cook on his last voyage 1776' includes proceedings of HMS Resolution and HMS Discovery at Owyhee in the Sandwich Islands, 7 February - 15 March 1779, including a description of the death of Captain Cook (15pp);'An account of Kamschatska', April 1779 (48pp).The typescript transcripts cover the complete contents of the Folio manuscript plus the first 15 pages of the Octavo manuscript.
The collection includes a large quantity of secondary resource material, mostly in the form of photocopies, together with some original papers of Joan Lindsay and her artist husband Daryl Lindsay. The biography was never completed.
Research files containing copies of primary and secondary documents compiled by Dudley Glastonbury in his research for an unpublished work on the history of the public service in Papua New Guinea. The main emphasis of the collection is on the development of the public service in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea and the establishment of educational and training bodies including the Public Service Institute and the Australian School of Pacific Administration. There are also files on more general topics including the early history of British New Guinea (Papua) and German New Guinea, local government, native affairs, political and economic development, missions, employment of non-Europeans, the origins of mandate, army occupation and war years, post-war reconstruction and public health.
The papers mainly comprise drafts of Dawson's memoir Skydoctor which relates to some of his experiences as a flying doctor with the Royal Australian Flying Doctor Service in 1954-1957. There are also trip records and diaries recording cases attended by Dawson, correspondence, memorabilia and printed material. The collection also includes certificates and documents relating to his education and family, his work as a psychiatrist and statements to the Chelmsford Royal Commission into Deep Sleep Therapy. Correspondents include Allan Vickers, James Cameron, K.G. Knight, Russel Pardoe, John Pearn, Jim Murtha, Brian Warren, Brian Crane, Ivan Neale, Pamela Indyjk, Tom House, Pat Tully and Lloyd McKay.