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Natural History Museum: Papers of the Murray Library (as filmed by the AJCP), 1839-1912

94 items
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Surveys 1873-1912 of oceanographic expeditions. The ships include HMS Penguin, HMS Waterwitch, USS Albatross and HMS Egeria.
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Papers of Ernest Llewellyn, 1911-2004

14.55 metres (51 boxes, 4 cartons, 1 small carton, 1 volume)
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The papers are a record of the career, in part, of one of Australia's finest musicians. They document Ernest Llewellyn's career as a solo violinist, chamber music player, orchestral leader, conductor, teacher and music administrator. There are, unfortunately, no papers from the Melbourne and Sydney periods of his career. However, Llewellyn's Canberra appointments are well documented and the papers would be a good source for the study of the history of music in Canberra. Invitations to be a juror at the prestigious Tchaikovsky competition in Moscow, to advise on teaching methods in China, and to conduct and advise on the establishment of a conservatorium in Ottawa, show his high international standing.
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Papers of Frank Hutchens, 1905-1965

0.46 metres (various)
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The collection consists largely of albums containing letters received by Hutchens, newspaper cuttings relating to his work and his career, programs of broadcasts and concerts given by Frank Hutchens, programs of performance of Hutchens' compositions, and photographs. Also included in the collection are two travel diaries; Hutchens' O.B.E., Bard of Cornwall and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music certificates; and copies of Hutchens' compositions.
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Collections held by the West Sussex Record Office (as filmed by the AJCP), 1815-01 June 1926

55 items
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Papers of the Liberal politician and free trade campaigner Richard Cobden including three letters 1864-1865 from Sir George Bowen in Brisbane, Henry H. Brown on the Maori wars, and Archibald Michie about the Shenandoah; letter 1926 from Stanley V. Larkin; two letters 1903 to Thomas Fisher Unwin (Cobden's son-in-law) from Senator E. Pulsford and Sir Josiah Symon; 'Papers Respecting Sir James Brooke's Policy and Position with Regard to Sarawak' (1863), with related dispatches; copy of a statement 1851 regarding a grant of land in Sarawak by the Sultan of Brunei; pamphlet 'Sir Stamford Raffles and the Spice Islands' (Chambers Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts, no. 53).
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Papers of Nora Heysen, 1913-2003

6.3 metres (32 ms boxes + 2 medium folio boxes + 1 large folio box + 8 sound/av carriers)
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The papers relate to the life and work of Australian artist Nora Heysen. The papers include letters; photographs; catalogues; newspaper clippings; personal papers (including an extract of her birth certificate); art publications; and sound and video material. The bulk of the collection is a large series of personal correspondence retained by Nora.

Letters of Captain T.G.S. Ward (as filmed by the AJCP), 1821-1866

212 items
Abstract Or Scope
Private and Commercial Correspondence collected by Captain T.G.S. Ward reflecting the history of Postmarks was filmed by the Australian Joint Copying Project includes letters are grouped by State of origin, with any New Zealand letters following the Australian items. Within each State group the correspondence is divided, where necessary, into commercial, private and church letters.
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Papers of George Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon (as filmed by the AJCP), 1843-1870

225 items
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Papers 1843-1870 of Lord Clarendon, relating to his career as Lord Lieutenant. of Ireland, and Foreign Secretary.
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Natural History Museum: Collections of the Mammals Section (as filmed by the AJCP), 27 June 1887-1984

42 items
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Michael R. Oldfield Thomas correspondence 1868-1928. Subjects include collecting expeditions to Australia, Malaya, Indonesia and the Pacific and dispatch of skulls and other specimens. Correspondents include Wilfrid B. Alexander, Tom Carter, Charles W. De Vis, Joseph Fletcher, Charles Hedley, Frederic Wood Jones and Sir Hubert Wilkins.
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Records of New Zealand and Australian Land Company (as filmed by the AJCP), 1862-1963

404 items
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Minute-books, balance sheets and balance account records of the New Zealand and Otago Agricultural and Land Investment Association Ltd 1862-68, the Canterbury and Otago Association Ltd 1865-76, the New Zealand and Australian Land Co Ltd 1866-1962.
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Papers of Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Earl of Derby (as filmed by the AJCP), 02 June 1852-1885

404 items
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Papers 1858-59 relating to Derby's position as Secretary of State for the Colonies and India. Subjects include Australian Federation and separation of the Straits Settlements from the Government of India.
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